Education Mate

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Plus Two Political Science liberty chapter MCQ notes pdf

January 12, 2025 0

Plus Two Political Science liberty chapter MCQ notes pdf

Plus Two Political Science liberty chapter MCQ notes pdf

This Plus two political science liberty chapter mcq notes pdf is the most important topic in political science. Here you can find the important mcq solution question answer of political science. It will help the secondary examination chse odisha. You can download the pdf of Plus two political science liberty chapter mcq notes pdf. Odisha education placed this political science chapter in elective subject.

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Plus two political science liberty chapter 3 mark notes pdf

January 12, 2025 0


Plus two political science liberty chapter 3 mark notes

Plus two political science liberty chapter 3 mark notes

This Plus two political science liberty chapter 3-mark notes are the most important topic in political science. Here you can find the important 3-mark solution question answer of political science. It will help the secondary examination. You can download the pdf of Plus two political science liberty chapter 3-mark notes. Odisha education placed this political science chapter in elective subject.

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Friday, January 3, 2025

Educational Psychology 3mark solution paper in odia pdf

January 03, 2025 1
Educational psychology 3 mark solution paper in odia pdf

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Sunday, December 29, 2024

Solved Political Science The State 3 mark question answer pdf

December 29, 2024 0
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December 29, 2024 0


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Saturday, November 9, 2024

Plus Two History Important 2nd Long Question Answer in Odia pdf

November 09, 2024 0


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Thursday, October 31, 2024

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October 31, 2024 0


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Thursday, July 4, 2024

Biology Nervous System Quiz Game

July 04, 2024 1

Biology Nervous System Quiz Game

Biology Nervous System Quiz Game

Lets check your Biology Nervous System Quiz Game. It helps your biology knowledge about biology nervus system quiz 

1. Which is the largest part of the brain ?

A. Cerebellum

B. Cerebrum

C. Neuron

D. Medulla oblongata

Answer is B. Cerebrum

2. The Cavity of Brain and Spinal cord is filled with ______ .


B. Fat

C. Water

D. Lymph

Answer is A. CSF (Cerebrospinal fluid)

3. Which is the structural and functional unit of Nervous system ?

A. Cell

B. Neuron

C. Nephron

D. None of the above

Answer is B. Neuron

4. Which of the following functions is/are controlled by cerebrum ?

A. Learning

B. Memory

C. Intelligence

D. All of the above

Answer is D. All of the above

5. Central Nervous system consist of _______

A. Spinal cord

B. Brain

C. Both ‘A’ and ‘B’

D. None

Answer is C. Both ‘A’ and ‘B’

6. The total number of Spinal nerves in our body are _______

A. 13 pairs

B. 33 pairs

C. 31 pairs

D. 12 pairs

Answer is C. 31 pairs

7. The total number of Cranial nerves in our body are ______

A. 31 pairs

B. 12 pairs

C. 32 pairs

D. 13 pairs

Answer is B. 12 pairs

8. Spontaneous response to external Stimuli is called____

A. Replay action

B. Coronary action

C. Visual action

D. Reflex action

Answer is

9. The last part of the fore brain is ______

A. Cerebrum

B. Olfactory lobe

C. Cerebellum

D. Diencephalon

Answer is A. Cerebrum

10. The last part of the Bain is ______

A. Mesen cephalon

B. Prosen cephalon

C. Rhombencephalon

D. Encephalon

Answer is C. Rhombencephalon

11. What is weight of brain of 12 to 13 age of human ?

A. 400 gm.

B. 1400 gm.

C. 1000 gm.

D. 4100 gm.

Answer is B. 1400 gm

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

If M=2, A=M+1, T=8, H=T-A than what is answer for MATH=?

June 12, 2024 1
If M=2, A=M+1, T=8, H=T-A than what is answer for MATH=?

If M=2, A=M+1, T=8, H=T-A than what is answer for MATH=?

There are number of problems created in math for develop our logical thinking. Here is a math quiz problem that is If M=2, A=M+1, T=8, H=T-A than what is answer for MATH=? To find the solution of this question If M=2, A=M+1, T=8, H=T-A than what is answer for MATH=? Follow these following steps.

Step 1. Find out the value the letter that not assigned


A=M+1 = 2+1=3 therefore A=3


H=T-A = 8-3= 5 therefore H=5

Step 2. Now find out answer for MATH

We get M=2, A=3, T=8, H=5

Is the answer for MATH is 2X3X8X5 = 240?

Is the answer for MATH is 2+3+8+5 = 18? are you think so

Then it is wrong

Let’s find out the answer for MATH is

And the correct answer for MATH = 2385

Because the word MATH is only a series of the letters. There is no functional sign among the letters.


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What is the answer of 18÷3(5-4+1)

Sunday, June 9, 2024

What is the answer of 18÷3(5-4+1)

June 09, 2024 0
What is the answer of 18÷3(5-4+1)

What is the answer of 18÷3(5-4+1)

Here is a question what is the answer of 18÷3(5-4+1). This question is being asked to find the answer 3 or 12. As per simplification rule of mathematics it solves on BODMAS rule. It can solve in three steps.

Sunday, October 22, 2023

Use of has have in English sentence worksheet

October 22, 2023 0
has have rule english sentence worksheet grammar worksheet

Use of has have in English sentence worksheet

Using be verb in sentence in english language is important to formation of a sentence correctly.  Because it is agree with pronoun of the sentence. English language play a vital role of communication as it is an international language. Let’s write and practice a number of simple english sentences using be verb like has have. You can practice as english sentences worksheet in daily basic. Enhance the writing skill in english language for better communication. Let’s begin the english sentences worksheet practice. It is also a communicate english sentence worksheet.

Use is has have in english sentences with personal pronouns and demonstrative pronouns

Follow the below rules for using has have in english sentence worksheet




1 st person

I have

We have

2 nd person

You have

You have


 3 rd person

He has


They have

She has

It has


Has have is used for owing a thing or object

Has / have means one is owner of an object or thing. It may be one or more than one.

Let’s use has / have in below sentences worksheet and get a correct sentence.

1. I ______ a story book.

2. You _____ five houses.

3. She _______ a pet dog.

4. We ______ a computer.

5. I _____ a mobile phone.

6. We ______ pet cats.

7. They ______ ten mango trees.

8. It ______ many branches.

9. You _____ two legs.

10. He ________ many story books.

11. They ________ five brothers.

12. I ______ two sisters and a brother.

13. You _______ a pack of biscuit.

14. It ______ many flowers.

15. She _______ many friends.

16. They _______ lots of toys.

17. You _______ three pet cats.

18. It ______ four legs.

19. It _____ a tail.

20. He _______ many toys.

21. It ______ three hands.

22. She ______ a beautiful garden.

23. He ______ a motor bike.

24. They ______ a farm house.

25. We ________ five boats.

26. You ______ technology ideas.

27. She ________ many math tricks.

28. It ______ many seeds.

29. I _____ a puppy.

30. She _____ a kitten.

Read more

Use is am are in English Sentence Worksheet

Use is am are in English Grammar Worksheet

31. It _______ five cubs.

32. It _______ 120 buds to count.

33. We ________ hundreds of pigs in our farm.

34. He ______ many students.

35. They _______ many corn fields.

36. She _______ a pet rabbit.

37. It _____ two wings.

38. I ______ three dozen of banana.

39. We ______ five cows.

40. It ______ a ring light.

41. They ______ many girl friends.

42. It _____ fifty story in english language.

43. ______ I a story book ?

44. ______ he a pet dog ?

45. _______ it three hands ?

46. _______ we math books ?

47. _______ they computers ?

48. _______ she a puppy ?

49. ______ it many branches ?

50. ______ it three zeros ?

51. They ______ a strong supports.

52. We ______ many parties to take part in the event.

53. It _____ many branch offices in each city.

54. They _____ many options to buy.

55. We _____ nothing to eat.

56. She _____ no evident to prove it.

57. ______ we houses ?

58. ______ he cows ?

59. _______ it many roots ?

60. _______ you passed ?

61. _______ I called you ?

62. _____ she many friends ?

63. _______ you got the prize ?

64. _______ they gone there ?

65. _____ it completed ?

66. It _____ two wheels.

67. They _______ five vehicles.

68. It _____ a trunk.

69. I ______ many tricks to solve it.

70. We _____ finished this task.

71. It ______ opened many gets.

72. Yes, we ______ many fruits.

73. No, they ______ nothing.

74. I ______ written this poem.

75. She _____ sung this song.

76. Yes, he ______ come.

77. It _____ twelve colours.

78. She ________ many organs.

79. I ______ come to meet him.

80. It _____ two big ears.

81. She ________ danced in the party.

82. You _______ sung this song.

83. I _______ pulled the gate.

84. They _______ done this task.

85. He _______ written this report.

86. It ______ noted in record.

87. She _____ jumped in the river.

88. You ______ got many prizes.

89. We _______ crossed the line.

90. _______ you drunk this drink ?

91. _______ I gone to college ?

92. _______ she clapped on the joke ?

93. ________ he opened the gate ?

94. ______ we ate this food ?

95. ______ I returned this parcel ?

96. _______ he stand there ?

97. ________ she three brothers ?

98. It _______ many ways to communicate.

99. We ________ cleaned the pond.

100. Yes, I _______ finished all the above sentence worksheet.



has have English Sentence Worksheet