Wednesday, April 14, 2021

a visit to a zoo Nandankanan

 A Visit to a Zoo

A Visit to the Nandankanan Zoo

A Visit to essay in english a Zoo  A Visit to the Nandankanan Zoo

Outlines of the essay A Visit to a Zoo

What is a zoo ? What is it like ? What zoo did you visit and where is it ? Who did you go there with ? What is special about the zoo ? What animals, birds and reptiles did you see there ? How did you enjoy watching them ? When did the zoo close ? When and how did you return home ? Why do you think you will never forget visiting the zoo ? 

A Visit to a Zoo

A Visit to the Nandankanan

What is a zoo ? Which zoo did you visit and where is it ? Who did you go there with ? 

         A zoo is a place where different kinds of wild animals, birds, reptiles are kept so that people can go and see them. These animals are kept in separate enclosures and cages. On 14th November (Childrens' Day) I paid a visit to the famous zoo at Nandankanan, some distance from Bhubaneswar. My parents took us to the zoo. 

What is the Zoo like ? 

      Nandankanan is very close to the Glass works (once a pride of Odisha) at Barang. It is a very big place and covers areas of land in a natural surrounding. There are many kinds of trees, plants and bushes all around. Then there is a botanical garden and a very big lake where people can enjoy boating. 

How did you enjoy watching them ? 

         There is a big collection of animals and birds. I was beside myself with joy to be there. I was thrilled to see such a large number of animals, birds and reptiles kept there. Many of them are kept in huge open enclosures. Some of them are in pools and small lakes. 

What is special about the zoo ? What animals, birds and reptiles did you see there?

           The white tigers are a speciality of Nandankanan. I was delighted beyond measure to see them. There were the giraffes, the leopard, the zebra, the deer, which delighted me. We enjoyed the tricks of the monkeys. They were the most active. Most of the other animals were lying down. They were looking at us without any interest. In the bird section, there were many kinds of birds. We saw pigeons, peacocks, cranes, parrots and cuckoos. The parrots amused us with their chatters. Then there were the crocodiles. They were basking near a muddy pool. There were also different kinds of snakes including the python. We were highly shocked with the recent sad demise of lovely white tigers and felt much for the absence of some tigers due to their transfer to a zoo at Hyderabad with better thoughts. 

When did the zoo close ? When and how did you return home ? Why do you think you will never forget visiting the zoo ? 

       The zoo closed at six but we did not want to return home so early. We had refreshment in the restaurant and relaxed for some time on the lawns there. At about seven o'clock we returned home. Our visit was indeed very pleasant and enjoyable. I shall never forget visiting the zoo at Nandankanan. 

Your queries:

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