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The Solitary Reaper Poem Question Answer And Summary with MCQ Test paper

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The Solitary Reaper Porm Question Answer And Summary With MCQ Test Paper

Poem: The Solitary Reaper
Poet: William Wordsworth

Lead in about the Poem:

A thing of beauty is a joy forever. The scenic view of a picturesque sight pleases our eyes. The haunting melody of a cuckoo soothes our soul. The soulful tone of a singer amuses our heart. The moment we take leave of this sight or sound, they occur to us recurringly in a flashback. We can hardly part with them. The voice and the vision have a long lasting effect on us. They continue to be a perennial memory with us. They never cease to be. 

the poem text

Behold her single in the field, 

Yon solitary Highland Lass! 

Reaping and singing by herself, 

Stop here, or gently pass!

Alone she cuts and binds the grain, 

And sings a melancholy strain; 

O listen! for the Vale profound 

Is overflowing with the sound. 

No Nightingale did ever chaunt 

More welcome notes to weary bands 

Of travellers in some shady haunt, 

Among Arabian sands: 

A voice so thrilling ne'er was heard 

In spring-time from the Cuckoo-bird, 

Breaking the silence of the seas 

Among the farthest Hebrides. 

Will no one tell me what she sings?- 

Perhaps the plaintive numbers flow 

For old, unhappy, far-off things, 

And battles long ago: 

Or is it some more humble lay, 

Familiar matter of to-day? 

Some natural sorrow, loss, or pain, 

That has been, and may be again? 

Whate'er the theme, the Maiden sang 

As if her song could have no ending: 

I saw her singing at her work, 

And o'er the sickle bending;-

I listen'd, motionless and still; 

And, as I mounted up the hill, 

The music in my heart I bore, 

Long after it was heard no more. 

The solitary reaper word meaning

Behold: to look at or see somebody or something

You: over there (old use)

Solitary: single or alone

Highland lass: a girl who lives in the highlands of Scotland

Melancholy strain: sad song

Vale: valley

Profound: deep, having or come from a great depth

Chaunt: chant, sing

Weary: very tired after working hard for a long time

Band: a group of people

Haunt: a place visited frequently

Shady haunt oasis: a place with water and trees in a desert for rest and relaxation

Arabian sands: the desert of Arabia

Farthest Hebrides: the most remote group of islands

Plaintive numbers: sad music, mournful verse

Humble lay: ordinary song

Sickle: a tool for cutting grass or paddy

Motionless: without movement

Scotland: A country which is a part of the United Kingdom

About the Poet :

William Wordsworth was born on 7th April 1770, in Cockermouth in the Lake District, England. He is regarded as a worshipper of nature. Love of nature is a major theme of his poetry. He wrote about ordinary men and women in the language of the ordinary people. For him poetry is "the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings'' arising from "emotions recollected in tranquility." He died at Rydal Mount and Gardens, United Kingdom on April 23, 1850. 


William Wordsworth The poet William Wordsworth was born in Cockermouth, Cumberland on 7 April 1770. As a young man, Wordsworth developed a love of nature, a theme reflected in many of his poems. Much of his poetry was inspired by the dramatic landscapes of the Lake District. William Wordsworth is one of the most important English poets and a founder of the Romantic Movement of English literature, a style of writing that focuses on emotion and imagination. He was often called a nature poet because of his emphasis on the connection between humans and the natural world. His famous works include Daffodils, We are Seven, The Prelude, etc. He defined poetry as the spontaneous overflow of emotions recollected in tranquility. He died at Rydal Mount and Gardens , United Kingdom on April 23, 1850. 


'The Solitary Reaper' was written on November 5, 1805, and published in 1807 in the collection Poems, in Two Volumes. This poem is unique because while most of Wordsworth's work is based closely on his own experiences, 'The Solitary Reaper' is based on the experience of someone else. Along with "I wandered lonely as a cloud," "The Solitary Reaper" is one of Wordsworth's most famous lyrics. The poem was inspired by Wordsworth and his sister Dorothy's stay at the village of Strathyre in the parish of Balquhidder in Scotland in September 1803. The visual and auditory images, the comparisons drawn from nature, the rhythmic quality and the fluent language of the verse make "The Solitary Reaper" a real beauty. Wordsworth depicts a 'Solitary Highland Lass', her melodious song and the deep impact left by that song on him. 

Summary of the poem the solitary reaper

"The Solitary Reaper" is a poem by the English poet William Wordsworth. The poem was inspired by the poet's trip to Scotland in 1803 with his sister Dorothy Wordsworth. It was first published in 1807. In the poem, the speaker tries-and fails-to describe the song he heard a young woman singing as she cuts grain in a Scottish field. The speaker does not understand the song, and he cannot tell what it was about. Nor can he find the language to describe its beauty. He finds that the traditional poetic metaphors for a beautiful song fail him. The poem thus calls, implicitly, for a new kind of poetry: one that is better able to approximate and describe the pure, unpretentious beauty of the reaper's song. The poem has been divided into four stanzas having 8 lines each and it follows a rhyme scheme of ABABCCDD.

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Question Answer of the poem the solitary reaper

1. Who are the people described in the poem?

Ans. The reapers of Scotland are the people described in the poem.

2. Who does the expression 'Highland Lass' refer to? Why does he describe her as "Yon solitary Highland Lass ?" 

Ans. The expression 'Highland Lass' refers to the young girl who was cutting the corn crops and singing a song. He describes her as "Yon solitary Highland Lass" as she was all alone in the field. 

3. What is the girl doing ? 

Ans. The girl was cutting and binding the grain as well as singing a song.  

4. Who does the poet say Stop here or gently pass? Why does he say so? 

Ans. The poet says that anyone passing by should either "stop here", or "gently pass". He says so as not to disturb her in her singing. 

5. Pick out the words which tell that the girl does not have anyone by her side. 

Ans. Solitary ,alone , single 

6. What is the tone of her song happy, sad, soothing or sympathetic? 

Ans. Sad 

7. "Overflowing with sound' - Explain. 

Ans. The poet urges us to listen and feel the effect of the song. According to the poet, the whole valley is overfilled with the enchanting song of the Solitary Reaper. 

8. The solitary reaper's song reminds the poet of other singers. Who are they? 

Ans. Nightingale and cuckoo 

9. Who sings welcome notes? Where ? For whom ? What for ? 

Ans. The nightingale sings welcome notes in the "Arabian sands" for those weary travelers crossing the desert because it would indicate they were arriving in a place of refuge.

10. Whose voice is thrilling ? 

Ans. Cuckoo 

11. Where does it sing ? When ? 

Ans. Cuckoo sings near the sea and this indicates that the sailors are not far from land. 

12. Who does Wordsworth compare the farmer girl with ? Why ? 

Ans. Wordsworth compares the farmer girl with nightingales and cuckoos, both of which have been regarded, since ages, to be among the most melodious singers of nature because her song has had an overwhelming effect on the poet's mind. Her wistful song touches the poet deep within his heart. 

13. What does the phrase 'humble lay' mean ?

Ans. The expression humble means an ordinary song.

14. The expression 'plaintive numbers' refers to sad music. Pick out another phrase in the poem carrying the same meaning.

Ans. Melancholy strain

15.. How did the song affect the narrator ? Ans. The narrator describes the reaper's song as a "melancholy strain" and "plaintive." While he cannot distinguish the words of her song, they sound sad, as if she is singing of loss or pain. 

16. In stanza - 1 and stanza 2, four words and phrases have been used to show that the girl working in the fields is without anyone by her. Pick out these words and phrases. 

Ans. Single, solitary, singing by herself, alone. The theme of the solitary reaper's song contains sadness. 

17. What other words are used in place of 'sad' ? 

Ans. Melancholy and plaintive. 

18. What are the two synonyms for the 'young girl'? 

Ans. Lass and maiden 

19. Three other words are used to mean 'song'. What are they ? 

Ans. Numbers, notes and strains. 

20. 'A melancholy strain' in stanza -2 means 'sad song'. Find out another phrase in stanza - 5 with similar meaning. 

Ans. Plaintive numbers 

21. Which word in stanza -5 expresses the poet's guess ? 

Ans. Perhaps 

long question answer of the poem the solitary reaper

1. Describe what picture on the valley and the farm worker come to your mind as you read the poem. 

Ans. The picture that comes to my mind on reading the poem is of an oasis (a fertile piece of land with palm trees surrounding a small water body) in the middle of the desert. Caravans have stopped near the palm trees. There are tired and weary groups of travelers resting under the palm trees after their long journey through the desert. From the distance can be heard the melodious chant of the nightingale that soothes and delights the weary travelers. 

2. Why do you think Wordsworth has chosen the song of the nightingale and cuckoo for comparison with the solitary reaper's song? 

Ans. Wordsworth has chosen the song of the nightingale and the cuckoo for comparison with the song of the reaper to highlight the incomparable sweetness of the reaper's song. The poet wants to convey that the voice and song of the solitary reaper is both sweet, melodious and wonderful. 

3. Whose song is sweeter according to the poet- the nightingale and the cuckoo's or the solitary reaper's? 

Ans. According to the poet the voice of the solitary reaper is sweetest and has surpassed ool that of the nightingale and the cuckoo. It is more melodious than that of the nightingale, that can soothe the weary travelers in the Arabian desert. Her voice is better than even the sweetest song of the cuckoo that sings at the break of every spring.

4. Discuss the significance of the title of the poem "The Solitary Reaper". (Justify the title 'The Solitary Reaper'.) 

Ans: The poem's title and theme are based on the fact that once in the course of his walking tours of Scotland William Wordsworth, the reaping and binding corn as it was the harvest time. As she was working peacefully all by herself, she was singing. Her song had a touch of sadness. The memory of this lonely girl and the melancholy notes of her song remained with the poet for all the time. Wordsworth's poem "The Solitary Reaper" poet and his sister came across a solitary reaper, a young highland lass who was somehow immortalizing her.

5. What drew the attention of the poet towards the reaper ? 

Ans: The girl's voice was extremely melodious and she sang a sorrowful song. The poet was so enthusiastic to listen to the sound that he stopped for a while to listen to her song though he could not understand the matter of the song. The girl was singing in a dialect that the poet didn't know but the sweet music of this song drew his attention towards the solitary reaper. 

6. How does the poet bring out the beauty of the song of the solitary reaper ? 

Ans. The poet compares her song to the sweet notes of the nightingale and the cuckoo, both birds that sing in romantic surroundings. The song of the nightingale is a very sweet and enjoyable sound to the tired travelers as it signifies that they are approaching oasis. The song of the cuckoo bird brings joy to the listeners as it is a sign of approaching spring after the long, cold winter. The song of the reaper arouses the same feelings of pleasure and joy in the poet. 

7. In the poem "The Solitary Reaper" the poet says, "Will no one tell me what she sings ?" Why does he ask this question ? What conclusion does he draw about the song ? 

Ans: Since the narrator is not familiar with the dialect or he is too far to catch the words of the song, he is unable to understand the theme of the maiden's song. He is, nevertheless, attracted by the song and concludes about its theme. As the tune is a melancholy one, he feels the song could be about some unhappy memories or sad event in history, for example, a battle fought in the past. It may even be about some current topic, some loss or pain the solitary reaper has undergone or may still suffer from. 

8. In the poem, the poet mentions two places. What are they and what is their significance in the poem? 

Ans: The poet mentions two places namely the Arabian desert as well as the Hebrides Islands on the west coast of Scotland. Their significance lies in their geographical locations and the solitary reaper's song is overflowing these places. At first, he mentions how the solitary reaper's song is like a welcome note to a weary band of travellers in the Arabian desert. Then, he mentions how the musical sounds of her song spread as far as the farthest Islands of Scotland. This means that the poem was soothing and it's reach was far. 

9. What does the nightingale's song do ? Why has the poet compared the nightingale's song to that of the solitary reaper ? 

Ans: The nightingale's song welcomes and soothes the tired travellers as they reach the oasis. The song of the nightingale and the reaper's song has been compared by the poet as they arouse feelings of pleasure and joy. The tired travellers get pleasure and forget their pain after long travels by the nightingale's song. Here the poet has the same feeling by listening to the song of the solitary reaper. 

10. What effect does this music have on the poet ? How is the poet able to hear this music even after the maiden has stopped singing ? 

Ans: The sweet music of the song mesmerizes the poet and he stops to listen to it. He carries the memory of the song in his heart long after he moves on his way. The poet carries the music as an unforgettable memory in his heart. It became a source of bliss for the poet as the sweet music got stored in the memory. 

11. Why does the speaker fail to understand the song of the "Solitary Highland Lass" in Words worth's Poem "The Solitary Reaper" ? 

Ans: The Solitary Highland Lass is singing a song in a language that the speaker is not familiar with. It was a different language and an unfamiliar regional dialect. This is why her song is incomprehensible to the speaker. 

12. 'Overflowing with sound' - What does it mean?

Ans: The solitary Highland girl reaping and singing by herself. The voice of her song is so thrilling that it is overflowing the valley. It's sound is more thrilling than that of Nightingale and Cuckoo-bird. 

13. What were the poet's first thoughts when he saw the solitary reaper ? 

Ans: The Poet was so moved by the reaper working all alone in the fields, singing her song, that he felt the scene should not be disturbed. The slightest noise would be jarring. So.he stood there quietly watching her at work. 

mcq question answer of the poem The Solitary Reaper

1. The poem ‘the solitary reaper’ is written by_________.

C .F. Alexander

William Wordsworth

Sarojini Naidu

Rabindranath Tagore

2. What is the central idea of the poem?

reapers can sing like birds.

sweet music appeals to all

beautiful experiences have long-lasting effects

rich harvest makes the reaper happy

3. The setting of the poem is _______.

the Arabian deserts

the British Isles

the Hebrides islands

the mountain regions of Scotland

4. What is the girl doing by herself ?



reaping and singing

binding the grain

5. What does the poet ask his co-travellers to behold ?

the mountain regions of Scotland

the beautiful corn fields

the solitary reaper in the field

the nightingale

6. Why does the post ask his co-travellers to stop there or gently pass ?

because they are tired

because the post himself is tired

because the solitary reaper may be disturbed and she may stop her singing

because the post wants to enjoy the beauty of the highland

7. What kind of song is the girl singing ?





8. What is the valley overflowing with?


sounds of the animals

song of the solitary reaper

twittering with the birds

9. Which word does not express the solitariness of the reaper?





10. What echoes the sound of the reaper’s song?

the narrow hill

the valley

the corn field

the snow-covered-mountain

11. Who sings welcome notes?

the cuckoo                                     

the nightingale

the solitary reaper

the weary travellers

12. Which country does the solitary reaper belong to?





13. Where do the nightingales sing?

in the river isles

among the Hebrides

in the mountain regions of Scotland

in the oasis among Arabian sands

14. For whom do the nightingales sing?

for the poet

for the passers-by

for the tired travellers

the solitary girl

15. Where do the tired travellers take rest?

among the farthest Hebrides

in the oasis among the Arabian deserts

highland of Scotland

deep valley

16. What does shady haunt refer to?

deep valley




17. When does the cuckoo-bird sing?

in autumn

in spring

in summer

in winter

18. Where does the cuckoo sing?

in the deep valley

in the highlands

in the shady haunt

among the farthest Hebrides

19. What breaks the silence of the seas?

the song of the nightingale

the song of the cuckoo

the solitary reaper’s song

the sound of the sea waves

20. Whose voice is most thrilling?

the nightingale’s

the cuckoo’s

the solitary reaper’s

the post’s

21. William Wordsworth was born on________.

7th April 1970

17th April 1770

17th April 1870

17th April 1870

22. The expression ‘plaintive numbers’ means :________.

some figures

some pleasant experiences

sad music

unpleasant memory

23. Which of the following is not the theme of the girl’s song?

old, unhappy and far off things

battles fought long ago.

familiar matter of today

beautiful experiences of her life

24. What does the post carry with him while going up the hill?

the luggage

the music of the solitary girl

the food

his breakfast

25. Which expression does not refer to the solitary girl?


highland lass

weary bands

solitary and highland lass

26. What does the post mean to say “As if her song could have no ending”?

her song is too long to end.

she keeps on singing and seems not to end.

the post does not want the song to end.

the song contains a recycles.

27. The poet listen ‘motionless and still’ because_______.

the rich melodious voice of the singer holds him mesmerized and spellbound.

he was tired after walking uphill.

he wanted to learn the words and rhythm of the song.

he is rooted to the spot by the girl’s beauty

28. What was the girl reaping the corn with?





29. How did the poet listen the song?

without stopping

walking slowly

motionless and still

walking very fast

30. Where did the poet bear the music?

in his mind

in his body

in his soul

in his heart

31. Who does Wordsworth compare the solitary reaper to ?

the cuckoo


both cuckoo and nightingale

other singers

32. What are the Hebrides?

a group of trees

far off valleys


a group of islands off the northwest coast of Scotland

33. Whatever the theme, the maiden sang.  here, ‘Maiden’ refers to______.

the solitary reaper

the poet


a sweet singing bird

34. The poet imagines as if the reaper’s song could have no_______.





35. “And over the ______ bending”





36.  At least the poet mounted up the ________ .





37. ‘Long after it was heard no more. Here’ ‘it’ refers to________.

the music of the solitary girl

the song of the nightingale

the song of the cuckoo

the sound of the passers-by

38. ‘O listens! For the vale profound.’ The poet says so to the_______.

the co-travellers

the solitary girl


the people working in the corn field

39. ‘Some natural sorrow, loss or ______. That has been, and may be again.


far off things

humble lay


40. ‘Or is some more humble_______ familiar matter of to-day?’





41. ‘For old, unhappy, far off things, And______ long ago’.





42. The poem ‘the solitary reaper’ is one of poet’s finest_______.

nature’s song



folk poetry

43. What effect does the girl’s song have over the surroundings?

has no effect

all people desert the valley

the valley echoes with the song

the valley is indifferent

44. ‘Perhaps the plaintive numbers flow. The underlined word means _______.

sad song

deep sound

sad music

ordinary song

45. ‘Or is it some more humble lay, fatter matter of to-day ?’ ‘it’ in the expression refers to________.

the valley

the song

the solitary reaper

her dress

46. ‘Humble lay’ means:_________.

Ⓐ a song about ordinary events

a song about extraordinary things

a song about modest thing

a song about rich people


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The Solitary Reaper Porm Question Answer And Summary With MCQ Test Paper