Saturday, May 15, 2021

A Tiger In The House Story Summary With Question Answer 10 Class BSE Odisha

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A Tiger in the House
by Ruskin Bond

A Tiger In The House Story Summary With Question Answer 10 Class BSE Odisha

Summary of the story a tiger in the house

summary of the story a tiger in the house 

               The story narrates how Timothy, the tiger-cub, was discovered and was brought up at the Grandfather's home. Grandfather discovered the tiger-cub on a hunting expedition in the Terai jungle near Dehra. Grandfather was requested to accompany the party as he knew the forests of Siwalik hills better than most people. The party also consisted of very important persons from Delhi and he was with them to advise on land and the direction the beaters should follow once they had found out a tiger. 

              The camp was very impressive, It consisted of seven large tents, a dining tent and a number of servants' tents. Delicious food was served in the camp. There were some fifteen elephants, four of them with howdahs for the shikaris. 

              The sportsmen never saw a tiger, nor did they shoot anything else. They were giving up all hope of finding a tiger. At that time Grandfather discovered a tiger-cub from the intricate roots of a banyan tree. Grandfather picked him up and brought him home after the camp had broken up. The tiger-cub was named by the Grandmother as Timothy and it was brought up by the cook. At first it was given milk, later on it was fed on raw meat and a diet of pigeons and rabbits. 

            Toto, the monkey and mongrel puppy accompanied Timothy. They were playing with the tiger-cub. At first Timothy was afraid of the puppy, but then he allowed the puppy to crawl on his back. Toto, the monkey was pulling the young tiger by the tail. Timothy's favorite amusement was to stalk anyone who should play with him. He was playing with the writer, pretending to bite his ankles. His favorite place in the house was the drawing room. He was comforting himself on the long sofa, reclining with great dignity and snarling at anybody who tried to get him off. 

               Timothy had clean habits. He was scrubbing his face like a cat. He was sleeping in the cook's quarters. He was happy when he was being let out in the morning. But when Timothy was six months old a change came over him. He became less friendly. He started to catch cat or hen stealthily, Timothy had to be chained up more often. At last Grandfather decided to transfer the tiger-cub to the zoo. The authorities at Lucknow zoo were glad to receive it as a gift. It was a well fed and fairly civilized tiger. 

               About six months later, when Grandparents were visiting relatives in Lucknow, he decided to visit Timothy. He went to that particular cage where it had been kept and . saw the tiger was there, crouched in a corner. It had become a full-grown tiger. Grandfather put his arm through the bars of the cage. The tiger approached the bars Grandfather stroked the tiger's forehead and tickled his ear. Whenever the tiger growled, he smacked him across the mouth. In this way, Grandfather was keeping the tiger silent. The tiger licked Grandfather's hands. Timothy was afraid of the leopard in the next cage. Every now and then the leopard would rush at the bars, the tiger would slink back to his corner. 

            A number of people gathered to watch the reunion. At this time, the keeper came and asked Grandfather what he was doing. Grandfather came to know that the keeper was not there when the tiger was brought to the zoo. He requested to transfer the tiger to another place as the tiger did not feel comfort due to that nearby leopard. Grandfather went in search of the Superintendent. But found that the Superintendent had gone home. Again he came to Timothy and stroked and slapped Timothy for five minutes when he found that another keeper came and refused him to do so. He told me that Timothy had died of pneumonia two months ago. It is a new tiger. It was brought from the Siwalik hills. It was a dangerous tiger. Grandfather took his hands away from the tiger. With his face near the tiger's he mumbled 'Good night, Timothy'. Then he walked quickly from the zoo. 

Glossary (difficult word meaning)

tiger cub - young tiger (tiger child)

expedition - trip / party for a particular purpose

spotted - saw or noticed

sumptuous - rich, costly, lavish 

howdah - seat usually with a canopy for riding on an elephant

admitted - agreed

strol - a slow relaxed walk

intricate - having a lot of different parts and small details that fit together / very complicated

tempting - attractive

temper - an angree state mind 

mongerl - dog of no definable breed / a kind of dog 

puppy - young dog (dog child)

appear - to be seen

quite - complete

dart - run suddenly

stalk - follow stealthily

amusement - entertainment

crafty - clever

glittering - shining

crouch - bend the knee and bring the upper body forward and down

creep - slow moving

dash - run rapidly

pretend - as act like

retriever - a large dog with thick black or brown fur

berth - place

recline - lean, lie back in a released position

dignity - with respect

snarling - growling with bare teeth 

scrub - brush 

paws - feet of tiger

delight - to feel happy

prophetic - accurately predicting the future

villainous - with evil motives 

civilized - tamped / pet 

rush - move fast 

slink - move in a stealthily way

bad tempered - easily annoyed (angry)

suggested - gave proposal 

frightening - causing to be afraid

wander - walk aimlessly

observe - watch attentively

alarm - a wearing of danger

briskly - actively and energetically

scornful - hateful


question answer of the story a tiger in the house 

1. Who was Timothy and where was it discovered ? 

Ans : Timothy was a little tiger cub. It was discovered among the intricate roots of a banyan tree in the jungle. 

2. Why did grandfather accompany the party ? 

Ans : Grandfather accompanied the party because he knew the forests of the Siwalik Hill better than most people so that he could help the shikar party. 

3. Why does the writer say that the camp was absolutely splendid ? (not: very splendid) 

Ans : The writer says so because the camp had seven large tents, a dining tent and a number of servants' tents. The dinner was sumptuous. Moreover, there were hot-water plates, finger- glasses, and seven or eight courses. 

4. Who discovered Timothy and when ? 

Ans: The writer's grandfather discovered Timothy when he was strolling down the forest path. 

5. Do you think the grandfather was very bold ? Why do you think so ?

Ans : We think the grandfather was very bold because he picked up the tiger cub and brought him home after the camp had broken up. 

6. What kind of special quality did the grandfather have ? How was Grandfather different from other members of the party ? 

Ans : The grandfather was very brave and had fondness for animals. He was different from o the other members of the party in that he had the distinction of being the only member to have bagged any game, dead or alive. 

7. Do you think the grandfather will pet the tiger cub at home ? 

Ans : We think the grandfather will pet the tiger at home as he seemed to have fondness for animals, especially little ones.


                  Section – II 

1. Who is there in this part of the story ? (not: Who are) 

Ans : In this part of the story there are the writer, his grandfather and the tiger cub Timothy. 

2. Who named the tiger cub and who brought him up ? 

Ans : The writer's grandfather named the tiger. cub and brought him up. 

3. What was the diet of the tiger cub ? 

Ans : At first the diet of the tiger cub was milk, but as it proved too rich for him, he was put on a diet of raw mutton and cod liver oil, followed by a tempting diet of pigeons and rabbits. 

4. Who were Timothy's companions at home ? 

Ans : Timothy's companions at home were Toto, the monkey and a small mongrel puppy. 

5. What was Timothy's favourite amusement ? How did the writer become Timothy's favourite? 

Ans : Timothy's favourite amusement was to stalk anyone who should play with him. The writer became Timothy's favourite as he let Timothy creep closer and closer making a dash for his feet, rolling over his back and kicking with delight and pretending to bite him, suddenly the writer's ankles. 

6. What kind of change came over Timothy when he was six months old ? 

Ans : When Timothy was six months old, he grew steadily less friendly. When out for a walk with the writer, he used to try to steal away to stalk a cat or someone's pet Pekinese Sometimes at night he would get into the poultry house and kill chickens. 

7. Why did the grandfather decide to transfer Timothy to a zoo?

 Ans : The grandfather decided to transfer Timothy to a zoo when he began to stalk Mahmoud about the house with villainous intent.  

8. Where did the grandfather take Timothy and how ? 

Ans : The grandfather took Timothy to the nearest zoo at Lucknow by reserving a first class compartment exclusively for himself, which no one shared with the grandfather and Timothy. 

9. Do you think Timothy will be happy at the new place ? 

 Ans : We don't think Timothy will be happy there, being kept away from the grandfather's family. 

      Section - III

1. Read the last part of the story and say what It is about. 

Ans : The last part of the story is about the grandfather's calling at the zoo to see Timothy. When he was told that Timothy was dead, he walked briskly out of the zoo with a heavy heart because of the loss of his beloved pet. 

2. When did the grandfather visit the zoo and why ? 

Ans: The grandfather visited the zoo about six months later when he and his wife were visiting their relatives in Lucknow. He called at the zoo to see how Timothy was getting on there. 

3. What did the grandfather do at the cage where Timothy was kept ? 

Ans. The grandfather greeted the tiger in the cage. Then he put his arm through the bars of the cage, stroked the tiger's forehead and tickled his ear, smacking him across the mouth. 

4. How did the tiger behave towards the grandfather ? 

Ans. The tiger licked the grandfather's hands out of sheer love and affection. 

5. What did the grandfather suggest to the keeper ? 

Ans. The grandfather suggested to the keeper that the tiger should be kept somewhere else away from the leopard as the leopard kept frightening him all along. 

6. Was the tiger really Timothy ? How do you know this ? 

Ans. The tiger was not really Timothy. We come to know this from the other keeper, known to the grandfather who said that Timothy was not his tiger. 

7. What did the keeper say to the grandfather about the tiger ? 

Ans. The keeper told the grandfather that the tiger he was fondling was not his and that his d or tiger Timothy had died two months before. 

8. What made the grandfather give a scornful look to the keeper ? 

Ans. The grandfather gave a scornful look to the keeper as he was disappointed and shocked still at the keeper's reply that the tiger licking his arm with increasing relish was not Timothy, who had died of pneumonia, but the tiger trapped in the hills the previous month. 

9. Which character in the story do you like most and why ? 

Ans. We like the grandfather most because of his deep love and affection for animals, especially for the tiger Timothy. Even his affection for the unknown tiger in the cage was reciprocated, which is incredible. 

10. Can you give another title to the story? Give reasons for your new title ? 

Ans. We can give the title 'An Ardent Tiger Enthusiast To the story because the central figure in the story is the grandfather, who is passionately interested in the welfare of animals, especially a tiger. 

WRITING long question answer

Answer the following questions in about fifty words. 

1. Who was Timothy ? What made the grandfather bring him home with him? 

Ans. Timothy was a tiger cub, discovered by the grandfather on a hunting expedition in the Terai jungle near Dehradun. 

        While the grandfather was strolling down the forest path, he discovered a little tiger cub among the intricate roots of a banyan tree. He took pity on him and brought him to the camp. He liked it so much that he brought him home and looked after him with loving care. 

2. Who were Timothy's companions ? How was he brought up at home ? 

Ans. Timothy's companions were Toto, the monkey and a small mongrel puppy, found on the road by the grandfather. At home Timothy was brought up with great care. Milk was given to him in a feeding bottle: When milk proved too rich for him, he was put on a diet of raw mutton and cod liver oil. Later he was fed on a tempting diet of pigeons and rabbits. 

3. Why did the grandfather decide to transfer Timothy to a zoo ? 

Ans. When Timothy was about six months old, a change came over him. He steadily grew less friendly. When he went out for a walk with the writer, he would steal away to stalk a cat or someone's pet Pekineses. Sometimes at night he got into the poultry house and killed some chickens. Then he began to stalk Mahmoud about the house with villainous intent. That is why the grandfather decided to transfer Timothy to the zoo. 

4. What things did the grandfather do at the cage when he visited the zoo ? 

Ans. Arriving at the zoo the grandfather made straight for the particular cage in which Timothy had been locked up. The tiger was there crouched in a corner. He greeted the tiger by addressing him as Timothy, put his arm through the bars of the cage, stroked the tiger's forehead and tickled his ear. Whenever the tiger growled, he smacked him across the mouth to keep him quiet. 

5. How did the tiger react to the grandfather's activities ? 

Ans. When the grandfather greeted the tiger and put his arm through the bars in the cage, the tiger approached the bars and allowed the grandfather to put both hands around his head. Then the grandfather stroked the tiger's forehead and tickled his ear. Whenever the tiger growled, he smacked him across the mouth, which was his old way of keeping him quiet. The tiger continued licking his hands. When the leopard in the next cage snarled at him, the tiger sprang away and then returned to lick the grandfather's hands. 

6. What made the grandfather become so sad and what happened to him in the end? 

Ans. When the grandfather repeatedly asked the keeper to take a suggestion or two from about transferring Timothy to another cage, he said that it was not Timothy, his tiger, but another tiger, and that Timothy had died of pneumonia two months before. The grandfather was stunned by the news of Timothy's death. He bade the tiger who was licking his arm good night, gave the keeper a scornful look and walked briskly out of the zoo. 

7. Can you suggest some more lines to end the story in a different way ? 

Ans: Yes, we can add some lines to end the story in a different way. 

mcq question answer of the story a tiger in the house

1. Who named the tiger cub as Timothy ?

family members of the tiger



writer’s grand mother

2. Who discovered Timothy ?

the writer himself

the writer’s elder brother

the writer’s grand father

the writer’s father

3. When milk proved too rich, Timothy was given ______.

a diet of raw mutton

a diet of pigeon meat

a diet of raw mutton and cod liver oil

cooked meat

4. Who brought up Timothy when he was very young ?

the writer

the grandfather

Mahmoud, the cook

one of the servants

5. Timothy was brought up entirely on ______.




rice and meat

6. The sportsmen of the party gave up all hope finding a tiger and began to shoot at _______.





7. Grandfather was ______ by nature.

brave and fondles

adventurous and courageous

strong and courageous

coward and fearful

8. Grandfather discovered the tiger cub hiding among the _______.


intricate roots of a banyan tree


hollow of a tree

9. Out of fifteen elephants, ______ of them howdahs for shikaris.





10. There were _______ tents in the camp.





11. The hunting party consisted of several very important persons of _______.





12. Grandfather was selected to accompany the party because _______.

he was a good shikari

he was a brave man

he knew the forest Siwalik very well

he was a good guide

13. Grandfather discovered a _______ on a hunting expedition.

lion cub

tiger cub

elephant cub

bear cub

14. Timothy was provided with a tempting diet of ________.


pigeons and rabbits

raw mutton and cod liver oil

the flesh of other animals

15. “Please continue your conversation”. Who is the speaker ?

the writer


the surprised keeper

the old keeper

16. When did grandfather call at the zoo to see how Timothy was getting on ?

about a month later

about six months later

about a year later

about two years later

17. Grandfather decided to transfer Timothy to a zoo when ________.

he grew less friendly

he began to attack other animals

he began to stalk Mahmoud about the house

he was about six months old

18. Grandfather discovered a tiger cub about _______.

15 inches long

18 inches long

20 inches long

22 inches long

19. How many elephants were there in the hunting expedition ?





20. The camp itself was ______.





21. The hunting party consisted of _______.

seven people

several people

several very important persons from Delhi

several officers from Delhi

22. “A Tiger in the House” is written by _______.

Ruskin Bond

Prem Chand

R. N. Tagore

Anton Chekhov

23. The grandfather gave a scornful look to the keeper because he was _______.



disappointed and shocked

shocked and unhappy

24. According to the first keeper the tiger which trapped in the hill only last month was _____.





25. Timothy was died of ______.





26. “I have not been here very long”. Who said this ?

surprised keeper




27. Grandfather went in search of the _____ of the zoo to lodge complain.





28. Grandfather suggested the keeper keeping Timothy in _______.

a big cage

some other cage

a narrow cage

a lonely cage

29. Grandfather smacked the tiger across the mouth to ________.

keep him quiet

frighten him

make him happy

punish him

30. When grandfather went to see Timothy at zoo, he ______.

slept near the door

crouched in a corner

sat in a corner

stood near the grill

31. The last part of the story express about the familiar relationship between ______.

man and animal

animal and zoo authorities

man and nature

love and relationship

32. Sprang means _______.

jumped away quickly

moved away quickly

pushed away

pulled away quickly

33. The zoo authorities were only too glad to receive Timothy as _______.

a gift of a well fed and fairly civilized tiger

a gift of a violent animal

a civilized animal

a well trained and skilful animal

34. Grandfather took Timothy to the zoo at _______.





35. Grandfather decided it was time to transfer Timothy to zoo looking at his _____.

rude behaviour

villainous intent

wild nature

all the above

36. When out off a walk with the writer, Timothy would try to _______.

steal a cat or someone’s perkiness

steal hens and cats

steal goat and sheep

steal birds and rats

37. Timothy grew steadily less friendly when he was _______.

5 months old

seven months old

6 months old

three months old

38. Timothy scrubbed his face with his paws like a _____.





39. In the writer’s house Timothy’s favourite place was ______.

the servant’s quarter

the drawing room

the kitchen

none of the above

40. Toto, the monkey was _______ by nature.

bold enough

timid enough

coward enough

civilized enough

41. Who were Timothy’s companions at home ?


Toto, the monkey

Toto, the monkey and a small mongrel puppy

a monkey and a dog


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