Thursday, May 5, 2022

English Communication Skills Previous Question Papers pdf 2022

English Communication Skills Previous Question Papers pdf 2022  english communication skills previous question papers pdf

English Communication Skills Previous Question Papers pdf 2022

english communication skills previous question papers pdf


1. Fill in the blanks

a) In a phonic languages, the word are pronounced exactly the way they are ________

 Answer is hear and return

b) IPA system helps us to understand _________ better

Answer is Pronunciation

c)  The IPA was published in the year ________ by international phonetic association

Answer is 1888

d) There are _______ nos. Of constant sound in English

Answer is 24

e) ______ nos. Fricatives constants sound are there in English.

Answer is  9

f) In a _____ constants both the lips are used to produce the sounds.

Answer is Bilabial Consonants

g) Palatal constants sound are produced when the blade of the tongue touches the hard _____

Answer is palate

h) There are ______ nos. Of vowel sounds in the English alphabets.

Answer is 20

i)  A diphthong is made of two _______ sound placed adjacent to each other.

Answer is vowel

j) The word “Pension” is a _______ syllabic word.

Answer is Bi syllabic

k) The word “government” is a ________ syllabic word

Answer is Tri syllabic

l) “Hallucination” is a ________syllabic word.

Answer is Polysyllabic

m)  The word “Pack of wolves” is a_______ nouns.

Answer is collective noun

n) The word “lately” is an example of adverb of _______

Answer is adverb of time

o) There are ______ types of conjunctions in the parts of speech.

Answer is 3

p) A regular verb is ______ with‘d’ and ‘ed’.

Answer is simple past and past participle

Q) There are _______ types of articles in English grammar.

Answer is two

r) The word “Enough” is an adjective of_______

Answer is quantifier adjective

s) Scanning is a technique used to understand ________ information.

Answer is specific

t) Skimming technique is applied to understand the ________ idea of the text.

Answer is main

2. Choose the correct / best option from the box:

 a) There are _______ nos. Of sounds in the English alphabets.

Answer is 44

b) _______ nos. Of semi vowel sounds in the consonant group are there in English

Answer is 3

c)  The word “Presentation” is a _______ syllabic word.

Answer is poly

d) The word “Finale” is a _______ syllabic word.

Answer is tri

e) In ________ consonants; the sounds are produced when tip of the tongue touches the teeth.

Answer is dental

f) Labiodentals consonants sounds are produced by placing the upper teeth of the lower _______

Answer is lip

g)  People _______ running away in the all directions.

Answer is were

h)  Close _______ and then the other.

Answer is one

i) The man worked _____ they were underpaid.

Answer is because

j) There is ______ Dr. Suresh Raghavan on the phone

Answer is a

k) This has, by far, been the ________ birthday ever.

Answer is worst

l) We are not interested _______ your family problems.

Answer is in

m) I need a room to myself ________ that i can do my work quietly.

Answer is so

n) The weather in Africa _________ than the weather in Europe.

Answer is humider

o) I didn’t see _______

Answer is anyone

p) Take _______ books and pencils with you when you go.

Answer is these

q) It was _______ hot to drink at once.

Answer is too

r) The lady to _______ you sent the parcel has moved to a new address.

Answer is who

s) She has ________ around here for a long time.

Answer is been

t) The second half of the match was _______ interesting.

Answer is little

3. Sentence Construction:

a) Make sentence by using noun form the word “Examine”

Answer. The teacher picks up each item and examines it carefully.

b) Frame sentence by using verb form the word “Communication”.

Answer is we are in communication with each other.

c) Use the word “Omnipresent” in sentence of your own.

Answer is god is omnipresent.

d) Write a sentence by using the opposite of “Unkind”

Answer is My father is very kind to others.

e) Frame sentence by using the phrase “in accordance with”.

Answer is In accordance with your request i am sending the answer sheet. / i am always in accordance with you.

f) Write a sentence by using the conjunction “In order that”.

Answer is she opened the window in order that doggy the pet could come in.

g) Make sentence using the words “Rather than”.

Answer is i drink coffee rather than tea.

h) Make a sentence using the phrasal verb “Make out” in your sentence”.

Answer is you did not make out too well you the first time you tried.

i) Use the phrasal verb “gives away” in your sentence.

Answer is do not give away too much of your identity.

j) Frame a sentence by using the word “double standard”.

Answer is he is a king of the double standard.

4. Rewrite the sentences below correcting common Error or Grammatical errors:

 a) Mr. Sasank Das is a MLA of our constituency.

Answer is an

b) Alok always speak the truth.

Answer is:  Alok always speaks the truth.

c) The police told we to leave the place as quick as possible.

Answer is:  The police told us to leave the place as quick as possible.

d) He is in a tour to Ceylon.

Answer is:  He has in a tour to Ceylon.

e) The dentist cleaned my tooth with some floss.

Answer is:  The dentist cleaned my tooth with floss

f) How much loaves of beard do we need for the party?

Answer is: How much beard do we need for the party?

g) Ram and Hari goes Picnic every winter.

Answer is:  Ram and Hari go Picnic every winter

h) The new principle has taken on the charges from the old principal.

Answer is: The new principle has taken over the charges.

i) He has been working here from 2011 as a teacher.

Answer is: He has been working here since 2011 as a teacher.

j) He killed two birds in a stretch.

Answer is:  He killed two birds with a stretch.

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