Monday, August 30, 2021

Krishna Janmashtami Birthday of Lord Krishna

Krishna Janmashtami birthday of Lord Krishna

Krishna Janmashtami 2021 birthday of Lord Krishna

A festival is a celebration of life. It is a celebration, entertainment or series of performances of a certain kind often held periodically. Festival breaks the monotony of life. They bring peace and joy to the masses. All nations have their religious and cultural festivals. Indian festivals are numerous. he to They are harmonious, rich, varied and colorful. Among these festivals Krishna Janmashtami is the most prominent of Hindu festival.

Krishna Janmashtami

Janmashtami is celebrated as the birthday of Lord Krishna. Lord Krishna was born on the eighth day of Krishnapaksha, the month of Bhadrava. Basudev Devaki Nandan Krishna grew up near Nanda Raja - Yashoda Rani of Goppur. To protect the little Krishna from uncle Kansa his father Basudev took him to Goppur from Mathura. On a rainy night, Basudev left his newborn son in a basket in his arms. It was at this time that he brought the daughter of Yashoda, who was born from the womb of Yashoda, in place of Krishna. When the news broke that Devaki was giving birth to her eight children, Kansa get the news and went to grab the newborn girl in the prison. When Kansas was grabbing by throwing on a stone the baby girl slipped out of his arms and shouted. She was the lightning daughter of Mother Jagdamba. She said, the cause of his death has already been born and is growing in Goppur. His mother's words came true, and the next time he saw Krishna, the demon Kansa became frightened and fell down from his throne.
Krishna Janmashtami 2021 birthday of Lord Krishna

Krishna Janmashtami 2021 birthday of Lord Krishna

       Gopapur, a resident of Mathura, was freed from the persecution of Kansa. The birth anniversary of Lord Krishna, the birth of Lord Krishna, is celebrated throughout India every year. It is also called Gokulastami. At home, devotees celebrate Janmastami with great interest. The day before Janmashtami, the house is cleaned. On Janmashtami, a statue or photo of Krishna worshiped at home is decorated with flowers. The whole house is decorated with the joy of Balagopala's arrival. On that morning, the devotees fast and remain pure. Worship is done during the day, as Krishna was born at night. Therefore, the main puja is held only in the evening. Bhagavata's Krishna birth chapter is usually recited in Oriya homes. The environment becomes devotional in Krishna's hymn kirtan. Various fruits, cakes, khuri, salts, sar, etc. are offered to Krishna and the devotees eat. The idol of Krishna is hung in a decorated pendant after worship. Nandotsav the day after Krishna's birth. In northern India, Nandotsava is also celebrated with pomp and ceremony. There is a strong belief that there is no sorrow in the house if Krishna is pleased with worship with devotion. 

How to be Krishna's favorite 

  Krishna is very glad if the devotee worships him with great thoughts of love and Enthusiasm. Decorative environment is the most prominent to Krishna So that we should have to be decorated with much love to Krishna. Let's know about how to decorate in Janmashtami
1. Worship the statue or picture that baby Krishna is eating of Ladu while crawling. 

2. Bring a cradle to home. Decorate the cradle with glazing clothes and flowers. Keep the statue or picture of Krishna in the cradle after worship is finished and swing it.

3. Decorate the statue of Krishna with ornaments on every body part like ear, arm, head, neck, ankle, forehead, hand waist etc. 

4. Flute and feather of peacock is favourite to Lord Krishna so collect this. Wear the feather of a peacock and give the flute to Krishna in hand.

5. Krishna is very fond of Tulasi and also different fragrant flowers. So collect Tulasi and fragrant flowers. Make a chain of Tulasi and fragrant flowers, and offer it to Krishna with love and gratitude.

6. It is the Spring Season and there are a lot of Kadamba flowers at this time. So collect it and offer it to Lord Krishna.

7. God Krishna is also fond of sweets that are made of butter. Peda, Ladu, Labani, Cake, Cheese, Butter are favourite to Lord Krishna so offer all each kind of sweet in krishna Janmashtami.

Krishna Janmashtami 2021 birthday of Lord Krishna

      In this way we would greet Lord Krishna on his birth anniversary, Krishna Janmashtami. 

Eight Great Education that to Learn in Krishna Janmashtami.

Krishna Janmashtami 2021 birthday of Lord Krishna

  The art of living that Lord Krishna has given to human society is valuable in all time and age.
 The most eight great education that we have to learn from Lord Krishna is 

Work is Worship

  Krishna has given advice to Arjuna in the place of Kurukshetra when Arjun refused to war. In this connection Krishna said that work is worship. We should go ahead with our duty. If we do our duty very sincerely to mankind that service to mankind is service to God. We should not await the fruit of our duty because work is worship. If we do our duty or work in the right or wrong manner then people will say it. According to our work we get the fruit in this temporary society. 

What is happening there is an objective

 There is a certain objective by the creator God that is happening in human life. We should not forget God among these matters. 

Present is the best time

 We should always give importance to the present. Among the past and future, the present is the best time to do so. We get success if we do our best in the present.

Anger is the great enemy

 Anger is the great enemy of human beings. It destroys knowledge, behavior and manner. Human beings lose a lot of their own anger.

Sacrifice is Meaningful

  Sacrifice is meaningful. For welfare, society and human beings we should sacrifice. It is meaningful. 

Gratitude is the best

   No matter how wise, rich, talented we are, we should be the owner of quality gratitude to all. Krishna gave gratitude towards his childhood friend Sudama as the king of Dwaraka. 

No work is small and great

    There is no work that is neither small nor great. In the war of Kurukshetra Krishna served as the driver of Arjuna's car. In this way we can't think about work is small and great.

Real Friend

Krishna Janmashtami 2021 birthday of Lord Krishna

    Krishna is the best friend of Sudama from childhood. Krishna is the real friend of Arjun. He helped much to Arjuna's accompanied. 

Krishna Janmashtami 2021 birthday of Lord Krishna

Krishna Janmashtami 2021 
birthday of Lord Krishna
Krishna Janmashtami Essay in English
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna
Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

Krishna Janmashtami 2021 birthday of Lord Krishna

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