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Money Madness Poem Question Answer and Summary pdf chse odisha plus 2 class

Money Madness Poem Question Answer and Summary pdf chse odisha plus 2 class Money Madness Poem Summary Money Madness Poem Question Answer PDF Plus 2 English Poem money madness Money Madness Poem +2 second year chse odisha English Poem money madness plus two Money Madness Question Answer PDF chse Odisha

Money Madness Poem Question Answer and Summary pdf chse odisha plus 2 class


An Introduction to D.H. Lawrence :

David Herbert Lawrence was born at Eastward, in Nottinghamshire.He was educated at Nottingham High School., He became a pupil teacher in his native village. Then he began writing novels, poems. After the publication of "The White Peacock '' he abandoned teaching for literature. He married Frieda weekly, a German. Because of his attitude towards the war, and his wife's nationality, he was prosecuted, He moved ini of the world. In 1929 he returned to Europe. He died of Tuberculosis at Venice in France.

Works of D.H. Lawrence :
1. The White Peacock (1911)
2. The Trespasser (1912)
3. Sons and Lovers (1913)
4. The Rainbow (1915)
5. Women in Love (1921)
6. Aaron's Rod (1922)
7. Kangaroo (1923)
8. The Plumed Serpent (1926)
9. Lady Chatterley's lover (1928)
10. The Prussian Officer (1914)
11. England, My England (1922)
12. The Ladybird, The Fox, The Captain's Doll (1923)
13. The Lovely Lady (1933)
14. Sea and Sardinia (1921)
15. Morning in Mexico (1927)
16. Love poems and others (1913).
17. Amores (1916)
18. New Poems (1918)
19. Tortoises (1921)
20. Birds, Beasts and Flowers (1923)
21. Collected Poems (1928 )
22. Last Poems (1933 )

Introduction to poem money madness :

In the present materialistic world, money is the best attraction of people than anything else. Money brings bank balance, car, mansion, power, position. Money can buy anything you like. Some say, money is an evil. But without it you can not arrange your food, clothing, household goods. You can't come out of your house, cannot travel to any place. Money brings happiness though it is of material kind. Money is pleasure. Money is power, Money is our social recognition.

Money is also the root cause of all evils. It invites anti-social activities, murder, corruption, black-marketing, hoarding, smuggling, kidnapping etc. Money creates class division and many wars in history have occurred due to money.

In this context the poet has prescribed a simple theory to avoid money madness. He says, make everything free. Food, clothing, shelter will be free. Then there shall be no crimes, no criminals, no police, no military. The world will be a peaceful land.

Summary of the poem "Money Madness"

Money is our madness. The rich and poor, men and women- all run after money, feel madness to catch money by legal or illegal, honest or dishonest ways. People want to fill up their pockets. They feel perky when the pocket is full. When someone asks you to help him a rupee you feel hopeless. If your friend asks for hundred rupees, you feel horrified. The idea of losing money makes you tremble. Money has a fearful crude power among men.

We are not terrified of money. We are afraid of the collective money- madness of mankind. People estimate each other from the amount of money they have. If you have plenty, they will honour you. If you have nothing they will hate you. They will say-let them eat dirt- If I have no money, I shall eat dirt. So the poet says

We must have some money
to save us some money
And this is all wrong.

Finally the poet has found out a simple theory to retard money-madness. Bread should be free. Shelter should be free. Fire should be free to all and anybody all over the world. We must regain our sanity about money. In this way we shall avoid killing each other for money.

Analytical Outline Of the poem money madness:

  • Money is madness, our vast collective madness.
  • Each individual runs after money.
  • When our pockets are full, we feel perky.
  • When the pocket is empty we feel shaky.
  • When one gives you money you feel delighted.
  • When one begs you money, you feel disheartened.
  • When you give ten pounds you feel trembling.
  • The idea of giving away money makes you sad.
  • The idea of gaining money makes you mad.
  • It is not money we are so terrified of.
  • We are afraid of the money madness of people.
  • People estimate the weight of others from a money point of view.
  • You have more money, you are respected.
  • You have no money, you are ridiculed.
  • People say - let him eat dirt.
  • We must have some money not to be ridiculed.
  • We must earn money to live happily.
  • We must earn money to arrange food, clothing, and shelter.
  • Money madness causes social evils.
  • It causes anti-social activities.
  • There are certain ways to avoid money madness.
  • We should make bread free.
  • We should make shelter free.
  • We should make fire free.
  • If everything is free there is no need for money.
  • No need for money means no money madness.
  • No money madness means no social evils.
  • Life will be peaceful and happy.

Money Madness Question Answer (questions to be answered carrying 2 marks each)

Question.1. Are all the people of the world mad for money ?

Answer. Yes, all the people of the world are mad for money. The line which says this is - "money is our madness, our vast collective madness."

Question.2. Are the people equally mad for money or does the degree of madness vary from person to person ?

Answer. All the people are equally mad for money. It is our vast collective madness. The multitude is mad.

Question.3. How does a person feel when he parts with a pound of money?

Answer. When a person parts with a pound of money he feels pang.

Question.4. How does a person feel when he hands out a ten pound note ?

Answer. When he hands out a ten pound note, he feels tremor.

Question.5. What kind of feeling does money create in us ?

Answer. Money crates quail in us. We marveled before it in strange terror.

Question.6. Are we really afraid of money or moneyed men ?

Answer. We are really afraid of moneyed men.

Question.7. What do people say about a man's worth ?

Answer. About a mans' worth, people say - How much is he worth ? Does he have no money?

Question.8. How many times in 'dirt' repeated in the poem ? What does the poet mean by 'dirt ?

Answer. The word 'dirt' is used five times. Here 'dirt' means nasty food that lacks vitamins.

Question.9. How do money-mad men get treatment without money ?

Answer. Money-mad men treat men without money with contempt. They say, 'let them eat dirt'.

Question.10. What does a man without money fear ?

Answer. A man without money fears money mad fellow men. He fears to be dishonoured by eating dirt.

Question.11. Why does the poet say, "we must have some money ?

Answer. The poet says, we must have some money, otherwise we shall eat dirt.

Question.12. What does the poet mean by 'bread', 'shelter' and 'fire' ?

Answer. Bread refers food, Shelter refers house. Fire refers to the food arrangement. These are required by a person for existence.

Question.13. Do you think 'bread', 'shelter' and 'fire' should be free ? Explain why you think so ?

Answer. Bread, shelter and fire should be free, because people kill each other, indulge themselves with notorious work to get these. If they are free, people will abandon destructive activities.

Question.14. Why does the poet repeat the words "all and anybody" in lines 24-55?

Answer. The poet says that bread, shelter and fire should be free for all and everybody, because money is collective madness. Unless everything is free for all, this madness can't be uprooted.

Question.15. What does it mean to 'regain our sanity'

Answer. Money madness is an insensible proposition. It corrodes life and kills social order. If we make everything free we can avoid the social evils and regain our sanity.

Question.16. What are the two things implied in - "It's one thing or the other" ?

Answer. The two things are regaining sanity about money by making everything free, and the other thing is money madness that tempts man to kill each other to acquire more wealth.


Q.1. Go through the poem given below and answer the questions that follow.

Money is our madness,
our vast collective madness And of course, if the multitude is mad
the individual carries his own grain of insanity around with him.
I doubt if any man loving hands out
a pound note without a pang;
and a real tremor, if he hands out
a ten pound note.
We quail, money makes us quail
It has got us down,
We grovel before it in strange terror
And no wonder, for money has a
fearful cruel power among men


(a) What is the madness of people?

(b) What does each individual carry with him?

(c) What does the poet doubt?

(d) What happens when a man hands out a ten pound note?

(e) What is money power like?

Answer :

(a) The people are mad for money. Money is our vast collective madness.

(b) Each individual carries his own grain of insanity around with him.

(c) The poet doubts if any man living hands out a pound note without a pang. 

(d) When a man hands out a ten pound note, he feels a real tremor.

(e) Money power is cruel power. We marveled before it in strange terror.

Q.2. Go through the poem given below and answer the questions that follow

We must have some money
to save us from eating dirt
And this is all wrong
Bread should be free
Shelter should be free
Fire should be free
to all and anybody, to all and anybody
all over the world
We must regain our sanity about money before we start killing one another about it. It's one thing or the other.


(a) Why should we save money?

(b) Which things should be made free?

(c) Why should these things be free?

(d) How can we regain sanity?

(e) Explain - "It is one thing or the other"

(a) We should save money so that we shall not eat dirt in future.

(b) Bread, shelter, and fire should be made free.

(c) These things should be made free, because they give birth to money madness.

(d) We can regain sanity by making everything free and avoiding money madness.

(e) "It is one thing or the other" means either we should make everything free and live happily or we should kill each other for the sake of money.

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Money Madness Poem Question Answer and Summary pdf chse odisha plus 2 class
Money Madness Poem Summary
Money Madness Poem Question Answer PDF
Plus 2 English Poem money madness
Money Madness Poem +2 second year chse odisha
English Poem money madness plus two
Money Madness Question Answer PDF chse Odisha