Saturday, October 16, 2021

Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish Question Answer and Summary pdf English chse plus 2

Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish Question Answer and Summary pdf English chse plus 2

Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish Question Answer and Summary pdf English chse plus 2

By Steve Jobs 

Introduction to Steve Jobs : 

Steven Paul Steve Jobs is an American businessman, designer and inventor. He is best known as the Co-founder, Chairman and Chief Executive 'officer of Apple Inc. He is one of the greatest visionaries of our times, a revolutionary who changed the way people experience technology today. Through Apple, he has been widely recognised as a charismatic pioneer of the personal computer revolution and for his influential career in the computer and consumer electronics fields. 

Introduction to Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish : 

The article is Steve Jobs' commencement address at Stanford University in 2005. It is one of his most quoted speeches. It has been described as life-changing and career- transforming. In the course of his speech,he narrates three stories to give an account of his life. The first story is about his birth, upbringing, and education. The second story is how he suffered in his public life and how he recovered. The third story is how he brushed with death. 

"Stay Hungry" means do not feel contented with what you have already achieved but always feel hungry to do more. "Stay foolish" means never think that you have learnt all, when you think that you are still foolish. Taking this simple theory, the writer has formed this speech. It is very educational for all. 

Summary of the Essay stay hungry, stay foolish: 

The writer's mother was a young unwed college graduate student. She decided to put the writer up for adoption. She decided that the adopted parents must be college graduates, When the first willing pair refused to take him, there came another pair who were not college graduates. The writer's mother was unwilling to sign the adoption papers. When they agreed to send the writer to a good college, his mother agreed. 

      When the writer became 17 years old, his adopted parents sent him to an expensive college. After six months he decided to drop out. He then spent his days very unhappily. Reed college at that time offered the best calligraphy instruction in the country. He took calligraphy classes. He learnt about serif and sans serif typefaces about varying the amount of space between different letter combinations. 
     Ten years later, he was designing the first Macintosh computer. It was the first computer with beautiful typography. If he had never dropped out, personal computers might not have the wonderful typography. When he was in college, it was impossible to connect the dots looking forward. The dots can be connected only by looking forward. The dots can be connected only by looking backward. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. Life is so, you must trust in something-may be destiny, Karma etc. 

         Woz and the writer started Apple in the latter's garage when he was 20. In 10 years, Apple employed 4000 employees and became a company of two billion dollars. They released the finest creation, the Macintosh. They appointed a talented person to run the company. Later the writer had a misunderstanding with him and he left the company. 

         The writer was jobless for some years. Then he started a company named NEXT, another company named PIXAR and fell in love with a lady whom he married later. PIXAR went on to create the world's first computer animated feature film, Toy story. Apple bought NEXT and the writer returned to Apple. 

         If he had not been fired from Apple, NEXT and PIXAR would be impossible. From this he learnt that sometimes life hits you in the head. Don't lose faith. You do what you like and always do great work. Keep looking for a big job. Don't settle. 

        If you fear death, death will not leave you. If you welcome death, death will not frighten you. If you live each day as your last day, you can't be afraid of the real last day. Remembering that. I will die soon, help one to do more work before death. 

       Once the writer had some physical problem. He went to hospital and after experiments it was known that he had pancreatic cancer. He would live for six months and not more. Later he took biopsy and endoscopy tests. He had surgery and was cured. 

        The writer saw death from a very close point. He got a good lesson out of it. Life is impermanent. Death changes life. Death is unavoidable. So don't waste time. When the candle of life is not extinguished. Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. 

         Stewart Brand published the whole earth catalog on the back cover of their final issue as a photograph of an early morning country road. Beneath it were the words- "Stay Hungry Stay Foolish." We should remain hungry for more knowledge. We should stay foolish so that we should try to know more.  

Analytical Outlines of the essay stay hungry stay foolish: 
  • Steve Jobs gave commencement address at Stanford University in 2005. 
  • He addressed the students and told them about his personal life. 
  • He never graduated from college. 
  • He wanted to tell three stories from his lie. 
  • The first story is about connecting dots. 
  • He dropped out of Reed College after six months.
  • He left it after 18 months. 
  • His biological mother was an unwed college graduate student. 
  • She decided to put him up for adoption. 
  • She desired that he should be adopted by college graduates. 
  • A lawyer couple were to adopt him. 
  • They refused at the last moment, desiring a girl. 
  • Another couple came forward to adopt him. 
  • Neither of them was a graduate. 
  • Mother did not agree to hand over her child to undergraduates. 
  • The couple promised to send the child to college. 
  • When the writer was 17 years old, he went to college. 
  • All the savings of the couple was spent. 
  • After six months, the writer realised that the course was unnecessary for him. 
  • He stopped taking required classes and dropped out. 
  • He spent many hard days struggling for a living. 
  • He took calligraphy in Reed college. 
  • He learnt about serif and sans serif typefaces, different letter combinations.
  • After ten years he was designing the first Macintosh computer. 
  • Mac was the first computer with beautiful typography. 
  • His dropping became a blessing for him. 
  • Mac got multiple typefaces. 
  • Windows copied the Mac. 
  • The personal computers got wonderful typography.
  • It was impossible to connect dots at that time. 
  • You can't connect dots looking forward. 
  • You can connect them looking backward. 
  • You have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future.
  • You have to trust in your karma, life, destiny. 
  • Woz and the writer started Apple in the writer's father's garage. w 
  • Within 20 years, Apple ebcame a two billion company with over 4000 employees. 
  • They appointed a talented person to run the firm.
  • The writer had a misunderstanding with him. 
  • The Board of Directors supported him. 
  • Steve Jobs was dismissed from job. 
  • It was a great insult to him. 
  • He lost mental peace. 
  • He became a public failure. 
  • He then set up a company NEXT. 
  • It followed another company PIXAR. 
  • PIXAR created the world's first animated feature film. 
  • Apple bought NEXT. 
  • The writer returned to Apple. 
  • He learnt that when hard times come man becomes disheartened. 
  • Hard times bring success in life. 
  • Don't lose faith and courage. 
  • You have got to find what you love. 
  • Keep looking for great work. 
  • Don't settle till you have achieved the goal. 
  • When the writer was 17, he read an article- If you live each day as if it was your last.
  • When death really comes, you will not be afraid. 
  • Death consciousness will tempt you to finish all your remaining work. 
  • The writer once came to know that he had pancreatic cancer. 
  • He would live for six months more. 
  • He saw death in front of him. 
  • He had surgery. 
  • He got cured. 
  • He learnt- Don't fear death.
  • All must die one day.
  • Death is the single best invention of life. 
  • It replaces the old by allowing the youth. 
  • Don't waste time, for death is coming. 
  • Do what your heart thinks is right. 
  • Don't care what others say. 
  • Steward Brand published The Whole Earth Catalog. 
  • This was in the late 1960's before personal computers and desktop publishing.
  • The final issue of The Whole Earth catalog came in the mid 1970's. 
  • On the back cover there was a photograph of an early morning country road. 
  • Beneath it were the words- "Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish." 
  • One must remain hungry to learn and acquire more knowledge. 
  • One must consider him foolish in order to grasp more from others. 

Question Answer of the essay stay hungry stay foolish : (questions to be answered carrying 5 marks each) 

Question.1. What does Jobs say about his mother ? 

Answer. Steve Jobs says that his mother was a young, unwed college graduate. She wanted to leave her child for adoption. But the willing couple must be graduates. A lawyer couple showed interest in adopting her child. When Steve was born they showed reluctance because they needed a girl child, not a male child. Then she let her son be adopted by another couple. 

Question.2. How did his foster parents adopt him ? 

Answer. Steve Jobs' mother laid a condition that whoever would adopt her son must be graduates. The couple who came forward to adopt him were under-matriculates. So Steve's mother did not sign the adoption papers. They promised that they would send the son to college and make his career bright. Then she signed the papers and the couple adopted him. 

Question.3. What does he say about his studies at Reed College ? 

Answer. When Steve Jobs became 17 years old, his foster parents sent him to Reeds college. They spent all their savings for his tuition fees. It was an expensive college. But they kept their promise, sent him to college. But he could not prosper there and decided to quit. 

Question.4. Why did he drop out from college? 

Answer. Steve Jobs took a mission in Reed College. Studying is expensive here. His foster parents spent much. After six months, Steve realised that the education would not help him in future. So he missed classes. Regular such attempts paved his way to drop out. 

Question.5. What difficulties did he face after he dropped out ? 

Answer. Steve Jobs dropped out from Reed College. Then life became miserable for him. He had no room of his own. He slept on the floor in his friend's room. He returned coke bottles for 5 deposits to buy food with. He walked seven miles across town every Sunday night to get one good meal a week at the Hare Krishna temple. 

Question.6. Why did he decide to learn Calligraphy ? 

Answer. Steve Jobs dropped out from Reed College. He struggled hard for existence. At that time Reed college offered the best calligraphy instruction in the country. Throughout the campus every poster, every label on every drawer was beautifully hand calligraphed. Because he had dropped out and did not take the normal clases, he decided to take a Calligraphy class to learn how to do this. 

Question.7. How did his knowledge of Calligraphy help him ? 

Answer. Jobs learnt about Serif and Sans Serif typefaces about varying the amount of space between different letter combinations, about what makes great typography great. Ten years later, when he was designing the first Macintosh computer, it all came back to him. He designed it all into the MaC. It was the first computer with beautiful typography. Mac got multiple typefaces. Personal computers got it. Windows copied the Mac 

Question.8. What does he mean by connecting the 'dots' ? 

Answer. When Steve was reading in college, It was impossible to connect dots looking forward. But it was very very clear looking backwards 10 years later. You can't connect the dots looking forward. You can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something, your gut, life, destiny, Karma whatever this approach will bring you success in life.

Question.9. How did Jobs set up the Apple Inc? 

Answer. When Steve Jobs was 20, he worked with his schoolmate Steve Woznaik, starting Apple in his parents garage. They worked hard and in ten years Apple had grown from just the two persons in a garage to a two billion dollar company with over 4000 employees. It released the finest creation - the Macintosh and got immense popularity. 

Question.10. How did he lose his position in Apple Inc. ? 

Answer. The Apple company grew larger and the company hired a talented person to run it with Steve Jobs. But after a few years, the vision of the two fellows mismatched. They fell out. The Board of Directors took the side of the fellow. So Steve Jobs was fired from the Apple company. 

Question.11. How did he feel about his dismissal ? 

Answer. SteveJobs was a founder member of the Apple company. He was fired for being an outsider. It shocked him very much. He was publicly defamed. He tried to apologise, but it was of no use. Being a public failure,he wanted to run away from the valley, but the love for Apple did not allow him to do so. He decided to start life anew. 

Question.12. How did he return to the Apple Inc. ? 

Answer. Steve Jobs, after being fired from the Apple company, set up his own company Next and then another company PIXAR. Fortunately these companies performed well. Apple bought Next. Then Steve Jobs returned to Apple, and the technology they developed at Next became the heart of Apple's current renaissance. 

Question.13. How did the quotation on death affect Jobs ? 

Answer. When Jobs was 17 years old, he read a quotation-"If you live each day as your last day, when the actual last day would come, you would never feel letting down. The death consciousness made him active. He forgot pride, fear, failure, harassment in life. He went on working hard before the last time came to him. 

Question.14. How did consciousness of death inspire him ? 

Answer. Death consciousness helped Steve Jobs take big choices in life. He forgot all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure. These things fell away in the face of death; leaving only what is truly important. Remembering that you are going to die is the best way he knew to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. 

Question.15. What was the doctor's advice to him when he was diagnosed with cancer ? 

Answer. Steve Jobs was diagnosed with cancer. There was tumor on his pancreas. The doctors said that it was a type of cancer which was incurable. The patient would live at best six months. The doctor advised him to go home and get prepared to die. That means it would be better to die at home than to die in a hospital bed.

Question.16. How does Jobs view death ? 

Answer. Steve Jobs has seen death face to face. He was of the opinion that no one wants to die. Even people who want to go to heaven do not want to die to get there. And yet death is the destination we all share. No one has ever escaped it. Death is the single best invention of life. It is life's change agent. It clears out the old to make way for the new. 

Question.17. What is most important in face of death? 

Answer. Death is certain. Nobody can avoid it. Time is short. So we should not waste time. We should not be trapped by dogma; which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of other's opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary. 

Question.18. What was Jobs' farewell message ? 

Answer. Jobs' farewell message was stay Hungry, Stay Foolish. He took this quotation from Stewart Brand's issue "The Whole Earth Catalog." This quotation says - Don't feel contented with what you have already achieved, but always feel hungry to do more, and never think that you have learnt all; when you think that you are still foolish. Make yourself a fool and try to learn more. 

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