Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Television English Poem Summary And Question Answer pdf chse odisha plus 2 class

Television English Poem pdf chse odisha plus two Television poem summary pdf television Poem Question Answer PDF chse Odisha plus two television Poem chse odisha plus two Television English Poem Summary And Question Answer pdf chse odisha plus 2 class

Television English Poem Summary And Question Answer pdf chse odisha plus 2 class

TELEVISION Poem By Roald Dahl 

An Introduction to Roald Dahl: 

Roald Dahl is a British novelist, short story writer, poet, fighter pilot and screenwriter. He has written children's tales, mysteries for adults and witty poetry for all. Here he writes how television is an evil for small children. 

Introduction to "Television": 

     Now-a-days television has invaded public life. Men, women, and children are mad to watch TV. When there is leisure, parents, children sit together, enjoy serials, cinemas. Many entertaining channels, sports channels, and news channels are available today. Just pay Rs. 200/-and watch 200 channels for a month. The television companies are launching sets with modern technology that lure people much. The situation has worsened so much that the study atmosphere has completely collapsed. Many students are sitting 5 to 10 hours in front of TV per day while they devote one or two hours to study per day. The parents dissuaded them, encouraged them to watch TV. This corrodes the imaginative and creative capacity of the younger. It makes students lazy, sick, and ruined spiritually. 

      Roald Dahl is against television set in drawing rooms. He attacks the parents who love their children blindly and allow their children to watch TV day and night. They commit the first blunder in bringing the set to house. They commit the second blunder when they play TV at high sound while the children study in the next room. They don't realise what a great problem and harm they cause for their loving children. But for their blunder, they will be practically unfit in future life. Roald Dahl tries to create public consciousness against watching TV by children. 

Summary of the poem "Television" ? 

  Dear parents, Be attentive to what I am saying. Here is an important message for you. Do you love your children ? Certainly yes. Do you allow them to watch TV at home ? Certainly yes. Here you have committed a serious blunder. Give them good food, dress, tuition fees, but never give them a TV set. 

   Do you know why ? Very simple. They will forget their homework, sit in front of the TV set, forget food, drink, sleep and go on drinking the shows, games, live.programmes, cinemas, serials. 

"They sit and stare, and stare and sit 
Until they are hypnotised by it 
Until they're absolutely drunk 
With all that shocking ghastly junk." 

   I know why you allow them to watch TV. You want to get rid of them. If they don't sit in front of the TV set, they will break cups, plates, glass, climb out the window, and fight with each other. They won't allow you to do your cooking or household work. 

   But have you ever thought how television corrodes the life of your children ? It notes the sense in the head. It kills imagination. It clogs the mind. It makes a child dull. He loses the power of thinking. He only sees things, but fails to recognise it in its real perspective. 

Television poem Analytical Outlines : 
  • Children love television more than books. 
  • They neglect class, tuition, and homework for TV. 
  • They sit in front of it for hours. 
  • They ruin their future.
  • Television in an idiot box. 
  • Children gape at the screen. 
  • They stare until their eyes pop out.
  • They sit and stare. 
  • They get hypnotised 
  • They become television drunk. 
  • Parents allow them to watch TV so that they won't disturb them. 
  • If they don't watch TV, they will fight with each other. 
  • They will not allow you to cook. 
  • They will break things in the house. 
  • Television destroys the thinking capacity of children. 
  • It clogs and clutters up the mind. 
  • It makes a child dull and blind. 
  • It kills imagination. 
  • He can't understand the difference between faith and fantasy.
  • They see, but can't think. 
  • Television should not be allowed in houses. 
  • Children should not watch TV. Stanza-wise Analysis

Television Poem Question Answer: (questions to be answered carrying 2 marks each) 

Question.1. What important things does the poet say about children and television? 

Answer. The most important thing that the poet says about children and television is that the parents should not allow their children to go near the television set. 

Question.2. How do children spend their time with the television ? 

Answer. Children watch television gaping at the screen. They Loll, slop and lounge about and stare until their eyes are tired and strained. 

Question.3. How do children behave while watching TV ? 

Answer. Children sit and stare, stare and sit in front of TV until they are hypnotised and absolutely drunk. 

Question.4. How does TV become a harmful addiction for children ? 

Answer. Television becomes a harmful addiction for children when they get hypnotised, feel drunk with all that shocking ghastly junk. They learn all the rubbish things from television and get spoiled.  

Question.5. Why do parents let their children watch TV ? 

Answer. Children always disturb their parents while the latter do household work, cook food, wash utensils. They fight with each other and disturb the parents. So the parents allow them to sit in front of the set and to remain engaged. 

Question.6. Do you think TV does the role of a baby-sister ? Justify. 

Answer. Yes, TV performs the role of a baby-sitter. It keeps them engaged so that they don't disturb their parents in their household work. 

Question.7. What are the undesirable consequences of watching television ? 

Answer. The undesirable consequences of watching television is that it rots the senses, kills imagination, clogs and clutters up the mind, rusts the power of thinking. He can't think, can't differentiate between a fantasy and a fairyland. 

Question.8. Why does the poet use all capital letters to end his poem ? 

Answer. The poet wants to highlight the demerits of television. So he uses capital letters to draw the attention of the parents towards it. 

Question.9. What comparison does he make to prove his point ? 

Answer. He compares a television set with an idiot box, In this way he proves that television is an unnecessary evil. 

Question.10. "HE CANNOT THINK-HE ONLY SEES," What does 'he' refer to ? 

Answer. Here 'he' refers to the child who loves to watch TV continuously and who is ruined due to television addictions. 


Question.1. Go through the passage given below and answer the questions that follow. 

The most important thing we have learned So far as children are concerned 
Is never, NEVER, NEVER let 
Them near your television set 
or better still, just don't install 
This idotic thing at all. 
In almost every house we have been 
We have watched them gaping at the screen 
They loll and slop and lounge about 
And stare until their eyes pop out 
Last week in someone's place we saw 
A dozen eyeballs on the floor. 


(a) What important thing does the poet say about children and television ? 

(b) Why is television called an idiotic thing? 

(c) How do children spend their time with the television? 

(d)What can one see in every house now-a-days? 

(e) What did the poet see in someone's place last week? 

 Answer :  
(a) The important thing the poet says about children and television is that the parents should not allow their children to go near the television set. 

(b) Television is called an idiot thing because it teaches idiotic ideas to the children and misguides them. 

(c) Children sit gaping at the television screen. They loll and slop and lounge about in front of television. 

(d) One can see children watching television gaping at the screen in every house now-a-days 

(e) Last week the poet saw a dozen eye-balls on the floor at someone's place.

Q.2. Go through the poem given below and answer the questions that follow. 

Oh yes, we know it keeps them still 
They don't climb out the window sill 
They never fight or kick or punch 
They leave you free to cook the lunch. 
And wash the dishes in the sink. 
But did you ever stop to think 
To wonder just exactly what 
This does to your beloved tot? 
It rots the sense in the head 
It kills imagination dead 
It clogs and clutters up the mind 
It makes them so dull and blind. 


(a) How can TV benefit children? 

(b) Why do the parents allow children to watch TV? 

(c) How does TV affect the head? 

(d) How does it affect a child? 

(e) What are the harmful effects of TV? 


(a) A television keeps children still. They don't go out and display wickedness. 

(b) Parents allow children to watch TV because they shall be free.to do the household jobs. 

(c) Television rots the sense in the head. Thus a child thinks nonsense things. 

(d) Television makes a child dull and blind. He has eyes but he fails to see. 

(e) The harmful effects of TV are that it rots the senses in the head. It kills the imagination. It clogs up the mind. 

Television English Poem pdf chse odisha plus two Television poem summary pdf television Poem Question Answer PDF chse Odisha plus two television Poem chse odisha plus two Television English Poem Summary And Question Answer pdf chse odisha plus 2 class

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