Sunday, November 21, 2021

Oft, in The Stilly Night English Poem MCQ Question Answer and Summary PDF Plus 2 1st Year

Oft, in The Stilly Night English Poem Question Answer and Summary PDF Plus 2 1st Year plus first year English poem Oft, in The Stilly Night English Poem Question Answer and Summary PDF Plus 2 1st Year

Oft, in The Stilly Night English Poem MCQ Question Answer and Summary PDF Plus 2 1st Year

by Thomas Moore
About the poet: 

Thomas Moore was born in Dublin in 1779. He was an Irish poet, satirist, composer and political propagandist. Most of his life was spent as a successful man of letters. His poems were highly successful during his lifetime, but after his death there was a reaction against it. His Irish Melodies are set to the traditional musical airs of Ireland. They are graceful, and adapt themselves admirably to the tunes. Moore however lacked the depth and far-ranging strength of Burns, and so he failed to do for Ireland what the Ayrshire poet did for Scotland. His works are- 

(1) Irish Melodies 

(2) Lalla Rookh 

(3) The Twenty Penny Postbag 

(4) The Fudge Family in Paris- 

(5) Fable for the Holy Alliance 

(6) Life of Byron. 

The Poem Oft, in The Stilly Night Text 

Oft, in the stilly night,

Ere slumber’s chain has bound me,

Fond memory brings the light

Of other days around me;

The smiles, the tears,

Of boyhood’s years,

The words of love then spoken;

The eyes that shone,

Now dimmed and gone,

The cheerful hearts now broken!


Thus, in the stilly night,

Ere slumber’s chain bound me,

Sad memory brings the light

Of other days around me.

When I remember all

The friends, so link’d together,

I’ve seen around me fall,

Like leaves in wintry weather;

I feel like one

Who treads alone

Some banquet-hall deserted,

Whose garlands dead,

And all but he departed!

Thus, in the stilly night,

Ere slumber’s chain has bound me,

Sad memory brings the light

Of other days around me.

About the poem Oft, in The Stilly Night 

After a day's hard work, when we go to bed, and if sleep is delayed, various memories come to mind. Some of them can be happier memories while some are unhappy ones. Memories sweet or sad always live with us. We cherish fond memories. Elderly people who have very little to look forward to often recall friendships and past incidents. Nostalgia haunts them. Thomas Moore canvasses the memories of past and present in this poem. It is one of the finest songs of Moore with complete adaptation of words to music and music to words along with a high quality of poetical merit in the " verse. 

Summary of the Poem Oft, in The Stilly Night 

Often in the calm and quiet night. When sleep is delayed, fond memories of past days appear in the mind. The poet remembers the smiles and tears of boyhood days; he remembers the love-making days of the youth. He remembers his sweet youth when he looked elegant, eyes were lustrous. Those happy days have gone now. The shining eyes have become dimmed. The tender heart has broken into pieces. Thus the still night brings unhappy memories of the pre-shave of my past.

 The poet, in the stilly nights, recalls his past friends. Once he had plenty of friends. His days were joyous among them. But they disappeared like leaves fall in winter. Now the poet is alone, friendless. He is treading lonely in a deserted banquet hall whose garlands are dead, whose lights are fled, all have departed except the old poet, Thomas Moore. 

The poet repeatedly says that often in the stilly night sad memories come to his mind and makes his whole entity sad. Such feelings always come in old days when you feel isolated, for lorn.

Outlines of the poem Oft in the stilly night Poem

(1) The poet's sleep is hindered at night 
(2) Memories of childhood and youth come to his mind bo from 
(3) Some memories were pleasant 
(4) Some were harsh, tear-shedding 
(5) He recalls the memory of the school days. 
(6) He got pain and pleasure in school. 
(7) In youth he tested love and played love-words. 
(8) He was handsome and smart at that time.  
(9) In old age his eyesight has failed. 
(10) His heart has broken into pieces. 
(11) Physical and mental discomfort. 
(12) Stilly night brings unhappy news for him. 
(13) He remembers his friends in youth. 
(14) He enjoyed himself in the company of friends. 
(15) In old age he found none near him. 
(16) His friends had passed away long before. 
(17) He stood like a lonely fellow in the banquet-hall. 
(18) The feast is over. 
(19) The garlands are fed and dead. 
(20) All but he departed. 
(21) The still night brought sad memories to him. 
(22) He felt troubled. Think it out: 

Oft in the stilly night Poem Question Answer
Question 1. When do the past memories occur to the poet ? 
Answer. Often in the still night, when a slumber's chain fails to bind the poet, past memories occur to him. 

Question 2. What does 'other days' mean? 
Answer. 'Other days' means the past memories. 

Question 3.Are the memories of boyhood sweet or sad ? Quote the line in support of your answer. How does the poet grieve for his dear ones who have passed away ? 
Answer. The memories of boyhood are both sweet and sad. The line which says it is - "The smiles, the tears of boyhood years." 
     The poet grieves for his dear ones saying - "The shone now dimmed and gone."

Question 4. How does he recall his friends? 
Answer. He recalls his friends saying-I remember all the friends, so linked together - The have fallen now. They have passed away. 

Question 5.Does the poet feel lonely in the absence of his near and dear ones ? Quote the line in support of your answer.
Answer. Yes, the poet feels lonely in the absence of his near and dear ones, He says- All the friends so linked together, I have seen around me fall like leaves in wintry weather.

Question 6. Simile is a figure of speech used to make comparison between two unlike things using 'as', 'like'. What figure of speech does the poet use to express his loneliness ? 
Answer. To express his loneliness, the poet uses a figure of speech. It is - The friends fall like leaves in wintry weather. 

Question 7.The figure of speech used to express inanimate beings as animate is called personification. Give the example of personification used in the poem. 
Answer. The example of personification is - I feel like one who treads alone at some banquet - hall deserted, whose lights are fled, whose garlands are dead.

oft in the stilly night poem MCQ question answer

1. Who is the poet of the poem   “Oft, In The stilly Night”? 

(a) Thomas Hardy

(b) Thomas Moore

(c)  John Milton

(d)  John Keats

Answer is (b) Thomas Moore

2. The description in this poem is mainly about ______

(a) a natural science

(b) the life of a great man

(c) the memories of the past

(d) a hero of great battle

Answer is (c) the memories of the past

3. In the poem the poet longs for _____

(a) the days gone by, and the dear ones who have passed away

(b) the hero of battle who fought till last drop of his blood shed

(c) the natural beauty which he had seen while visiting a hill station

(d) none of the above

Answer is (a) the days gone by, and the dear ones who have passed away

4. How was night that the poet refers to ?

(a) stormy

(b) stilly

(c) shivering

(d) snowy

Answer is (b) stilly

5. What do you mean by the word ‘stilly’ ?

(a) disturbing

(b) fearful

(c) clam

(d) horror

Answer is (c) clam

6. Which kind of ‘chain’ the poet here refers to ?

(a) chain of iron

(b) chain of dream

(c) chain of deep sleep

(d) chain of thoughts

Answer is (c) chain of deep sleep

7. What do you mean by the word ‘slumber’ ?

(a) deep breathe

(b) deep sleep

(c) deep thought

(d) deep voice

Answer is (b) deep sleep

8. What does the word the ‘light’ mean ?

(a) the sunshine

(b) the joy

(c) The sorrow

(d) the moonlight

Answer is (b) the joy

9. What do the words ‘other days’ mean ?

(a) the days other than his days of tour

(b) the days when the poet was away from his friends and his kith and kin

(c) the days of his childhood

(d) none of the above

Answer is (b) the days when the poet was away from his friends and his kith and kin

10. He remember the smiles , the tears of a particular period. Which is that ?

(a) period of childhood

(b) period of youth

(c) period of his tours and travels

(d) period of old hood

Answer is (a) period of childhood

11. What does the poet feel to have lost ?

(a) his childhood days

(b) his memory of good and bad days

(c) the shining eyes and the cheerful hearts of his near and dear ones

(d) none of the above

Answer is (c) the shining eyes and the cheerful hearts of his near and dear ones

12. Whom does the poet remember ?

(a) his friends who has gone

(b) his friends who are still alive

(c) his forefathers who have gone

(d) none of the above

Answer is (a) his friends who has gone

13. How did his friends leave this word ?

(a) like a journey to the heaven

(b) like lives in winter weather

(c) like everybody in this world

(d) none of the above

Answer is (b) like lives in winter weather

14. What does it imply ‘so link’ together’  ?

(a) People in link

(b) People of an association

(c) Poet’s close friends

(d) Natural things linked together

Answer is (c) poet’s close friends

15. What do you mean by the expression ‘banquet-hall deserted ?

(a) Nobody in the hall to enjoy the feast

(b) Loneliness of the last survivor

(c) Loss of cheerfulness in life

(d) None of the above

Answer is (b) loneliness of the last survivor

16. ‘And all about departed.’  In this line the word ‘he’ refers to _____

(a) to the man who is not dead

(b) the best friend of the poet

(c) the poet himself

(d) none of the above

Answer is (c) the poet himself

17. One line of the poem signifies that the poet is all alone. What is that line?

(a) Line 19

(b) Line 20

(c) Line 21

(d) Line 24

Answer is (b) Line 20

18. Which words in the poem express personification ?

(a) In the stilly night

(b) Slumber’s chain

(c) Who treads alone?

(d) None of the above

Answer is (b) slumber’s chain

19. What do you mean by the word ‘departed’  ?

(a) went away

(b) divided

(c) dead

(d) separated

Answer is (c) dead

20. What’s the expression of the line ‘Whose lights are fled” ?

(a) the joys of their happiness are gone

(b) who have lost their lives

(c) the light of their lives have become beam

(d) none of the above

Answer is (a) the joys of their happiness are gone

Oft, in The Stilly Night English Poem Question Answer and Summary PDF Plus 2 1st Year plus first year English poem Oft, in The Stilly Night English Poem Question Answer and Summary PDF Plus 2 1st Year