Tuesday, February 15, 2022

MCQ Question Answer of Education and Society 12 Class Education Subject

MCQ Question Answer of Education and Society 12 Class Education Subject

MCQ Question Answer of Education and Society 12 Class Education Subject


  • ·         Relationship between education & Society
  • ·         Education for social change social control
  • ·         Education for Social mobility
  • ·         Education for citizenship & Socialization.
  • ·         Gender disparity and the role of Education
  • ·         Globalization & its impact on education.

1. International Education Commission (1996) report includes

(a) Learning to learn/know

(b) Learning to do/ perform

(c) Learning to live together

(d) All the above

Answer. (d) All the above

 2. National quality movement commission 1985 was formed in ______

(a) UK

(b) USA

(c) USSR

(d) France

Answer. (b) USA

3. Some education movement took place in 1985 in _____

(a) China

(b) India

(c) Germany

(d) Japan

Answer. (b) India

4. Best education in school white paper was published in 1985 in _______

(a) Australia

(b) UK

(c) USSR

(d) France

Answer. (b) UK

5. Despite of education integration took place in 1984 in _______

(a) USA

(b) USSR

(c) France

(d) Japan

Answer. (b) USSR

6. Globalization means as _____

(a) Unversalization

(b) Liberalization

(c) Internationalization

(d) All of the above

Answer is (d) All of the above

7. National quality movement took place 1983 in _____

(a) UK

(b) USA

(c) USSR

(d) Germany

Answer is (c) USSR

8. The powerful instrument of social change is ________

(a) Education

(b) Law

(c) Industrionalization

(d) Universalization

Answer is (a) Education

9. In which year education includes in the concomitant list ?

(A) 1948

(B) 1956

(C) 1976

(D) 1986

Ans. (C) 1976

10. Women's India Association (WIA)was founded by Anniebestant in

(A) 1915

(B) 1917

(C) 1947

(D) 1948

Ans.(B) 1917

11. All India women’s conference (AIWC) was founded in

(A) 1917

(B) 1927

(C) 1915

(D) 1925

Ans.(B) 1927

12. Which constitutional amendment provides one third reservation of women in panchayat and municipalities.

(A) 73rd

(B) 74th

(C) 13rd

(D) 43rd

Ans. (B) 74th

13. Who demanded equal political right of women with men in 1935?

(A) Annie Besant

(B) Sarojini Naidu

(C) Nandini Satpathy

(D) None of these

Ans. (B) Sarojini Naidu

14. The declaration of universal Human Rights was made in

(A) 1948

(B) 1946

(C) 1947

(D) 1964

Ans. (A) 1948

15. Which article states equal pay for equal work for doth men and women ?

(A) 39 (a)

(B) 39(a)

(C) 45(a)

(D) 39(e)

Ans. (D) 39(e)

16.Which article ensures equality before law?

(A) Article - 14

(B) Article - 15

(C) Article -15(3)

(D) None of these above

Ans. (A) Article -14

17. Which article prohibits any discriminating with men and women ?

(A) Article 15

(B) Article - 45

(C) Article (3)

(D) Article - 14

Ans. (A) Article - 15

18. In which state National integration Conflict seen in 1994?

(A) Australia

(B) UK

(C) Russia

(D) France

Ans. (C) Russia

19. Best Education in School white paper was published in 1985 at ________

(A) Australia

(B) UK

(C) Russia

(D) France

Ans. (B) UK

20. The rate of social change is _________?

(A) Equal

(B) Unequal

(C) Not similar

(D) Changeable

Ans. (A) Not similar

21. Social change is transformation_____ whose definition is this.

(A) K. Device

(B) Lundburg

(C)S. Keming

(D) None of these

Ans. (C) S.Kenning

22. Which organization provides finance to women?




(D) None of the above

Ans. (C) DWCRA

23. From which word Stratification derived ?

(A) Stratus

(B) Stratum

(C) Strata

(D) Stratesco

Ans. (C) Strata

24. Some education revolution was seen 1985?

(A) Germany

(B) China

(C) India

(D) Japan

Ans. (C) India

25. Where National Qualitative Revolution started in 1993 ?

(A) UK



(D) Germany

Ans.(B) USA

26. What is the meaning of globalization ?

(A) Universalization

(B) Liberalization

(C) Internationalism

(D) All of the above

Ans.(D)All of the above

27. Social Stratification is a division of same level of society, who de function is these ?

(A) Lundburg

(B) T.P.Jasbat

(C) Ullimous

(D) K. Device

Ans. (A) Lundburg

28. Which is main organ of social change ?

(A) Society

(B) Education

(C) Culture

(D) None of the above

Ans. (B) Education

29. Generation wise mobility is ______ ?

(A) Same stratification

(B) Intra-generation wise

(C) Social

(D) de- mobility

Ans.(B) Intra generation wise

30. Which commission recommended vocational education ?

(A) Kothari commission

(B) Secondary education commission

(C) Hunter commission

(D) Hartog committee

Ans. (C) Hunter commission

31. Learning is the treasure within-whose subject matter it is ?

(A) Kothari commission

(B) NPE--1986

(C) Hunter commission

(D) International Education Commission

Ans. (D) International Education Commission

32. When International Education Commission submitted its report ?

(A) 1993

(B) 1996

(C) 1998

(D) 1995

Ans. (B) 1996

33. If a person Ieaves the work of worship, points in Govt. Service, which mobility is this?

(A) Horizontal mobility

(B) Vertical mobility

(C) Upward mobility

(D) Vocational mobility

Ans. (D) Vocational mobility

34. Social stratification divides the classes and they are interrelated. Whose definition is this ?

(A) Lundburg

(B) T.P. Jasbat

(C) Ullius

(D) K. Device

Ans. (B) T.P. Jasbat

35. A clerk when promoted to an officer, lecturer is promoted to a principal, What type of mobility is that

(A) Horizontal

(B) Vertical mobility

(C) Upward

(D) Downward

Ans. (B) Vertical mobility

36. When a person moves from one position to another position what type of mobility

(A) Horizontal

(B) Vertical

(C) Vocational

(D) Intra- generational

Ans.(B) Vertical mobility

37. In social stratification changing of shelter place service what type of mobility it is ?

(A) Vocational

(B) Intra- Generational

(C) Horizontal

(D) Vertical

Ans. (C) Horizontal

38. Transform action in thought and activity belongs to is a social change-who told this ?

(A) Maciver and page

(B) S. Kenning

(C) Lunei Burg

(D) M.D. Jonson

Ans. (D) M.D. Jonson

Fill in the Blanks with appropriate answer words

1. In 1951 world education conference was held in __________

Answer. Parish

2. ______education commission emphasize on vocational education ?

Answer. N.P.E. 1986

3. By _______National Education Day is decided.

Answer. NPE 1986

4. According D Souza every school should perform two activities such as _____ and _________

Answer. Citizenship training and social service education

5. ______evokes loyalty to country and patriotic as

Answer. Nationalism

6. National education organization is built in _____

Answer. 1920

7. Stratification divides the world into _-_____and _______.

Answer. Haves and have notes

8. Social stratification divides the society into different classes by ______

Answer. T.P Jasbat

9. Every society is changing but not _____

Answer. Static

10. By ______ transformation of any organization is social change.

Answer. Jones.

11. _______and _______ is social change.

Answer. Institutional and Stratification

12. The social change nature and speed is influenced by ______

Answer. Time factor

13. Social change is a _____process.

Answer. Continuous process

14. Social change is ____

Answer. Universal

15. One main agency of social change is ______

Answer. Education

16. Every caste is considered ______a groups.

Answer. IntradweIIing

17. Every caste has a ___

Answer. Family vocation

18. Slave system continued long days in _______

Answer. South Africa

19. The other name of vocational mobility is ______

Answer. professional mobility

20. Changing of one position to another in changing states is known as _______

Answer. Vertical mobility

21. When a person moves up ward of acquired status position is ______.

Answer. Upward vertical mobility

22. When there is no change in a caste, existence of society is _____.

Answer.  Downward vertical mobility

23. When mobility is seen from one location to another is ______.

Answer. Vocational mobility

24. No change is social status in social change is ______

Answer. Horizontal mobility

25. Change of activity / works with social status is _____

Answer. Vertical mobility


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