Sunday, March 6, 2022

In London In Minus Fours Plus 2 English MCQ Question Answer

In London In Minus Fours Plus 2 English MCQ Question Answer In London In Minus Fours in london in minus fours mcq question answer in london in minus

In London In Minus Fours Plus 2 English MCQ Question Answer

About the author Louis Fischer

Louis Fischer was born in 1896 and died in 1970 is an outstanding American writer, columnist and analyst of world affairs. He occupies a unique place among Gandhiji's admirers in the west. He has closely studied the life and teachings of Mahatma Gandhi in his book The Life of Mahatma Gandhi (1950).  

In London In Minus Fours

1. Who is the author of the book “The Life Of Mahatma Gandhi (1950)” ?

A) Robert Frost

B) Thomas Moore

C) Louis Fischer

D) Sam Pitroda

2. The prose “In London In Minus Fours” is a chapter of which of the following book ?

A) The Life Of Mahatma Gandhi 1950

B) My Life My Passion

C) The Dream Of My Life

D) The Life Span Of Gandhi

3. Where was the Second Round Table Conference held in ?

A) In US 

B) In London

C) In Canada

D) In India

4. When was the Second Round Table Conference held ?

A) From September 1931 to 1 December 1931

B) From August 1931 to 10 December 1931

C) From July 1931 to December 1931

D) From 7 September to 1 December 1931

5. What is S.S Rajputana ?

A) Steam Ship Rajputana

B) Sailor Ship Rajputana

C) Soldier Ship Rajputana

D) Steel Ship Rajputana

6. Where did Gandhi sail to London ?

A) From Kolkata

B) From Bombay

C) From Goa

D) From Gujarat

7. What is the name of Gandhi’s youngest son ?

A) Ramdas

B) Haridas

C) Devadas

D) Rabidas

8. Who was the chief secretary of Gandhiji ?

A) Mahadev Desai

B) Mahadev Debsingh

C) Mahadev Parida

D) Mahadev

9. How did Gandhiji say about to Mahadev Desai ?

A) out-Boswelled Boswell

B) out-welled shine

C) out-of the world

D) Mr Boswell

10. Who were the accompany as an aide of Gandhi ?

A) Miss Priya and Pyarelal

B) Miss Slade and Pyarelal Nayyar

C) Miss Luie and Premchan

D) Miss Diwe and Pyarimohan

11. Who was G.D Birla ?

A) the business man

B) the textile millionaire

C) the General Manager

D) the Cashier

12. Gandhi was proceeding as sole delegate of which party from India to the Second Round Table Conference?


B) Congress

C) Trinamula Congress

D) Cabinet

13. Why was Gandhi chosen as the sole delegate of Congress to the Second Round Table Conference?

A) Because he spoke for the organization and segment of vocal India

B) Because he spoke only for his party

C) Because he is an honest person

D) None of the above

14. Where did Gandhi stay most of the time in London ?

A) at King V house

B) at Kingsley Hall

C) at the slum area of London.

D) None of the above

15. How were the children of the slum area in London call Gandhi ?

A) Uncle Gandhi

B) Hey Gandhi

C) Gandhi Uncle

D) None of the above

16. What was Gandhi’s reply to the journalists’ question about his dress ?

A) He replied, You people “wear plus-fours, mine are minus-fours”

B) He replied, You people “were plus –fours, mine are minus-two”

C) Replied yours are plus fours

D) He replied nothing yet smiled

17. Gandhi was invited to tea in which palace ?

A) Len burg Palace

B) Buckingham Palace

C) Switzer Palace

D) Mahima Palace

18. Who invited Gandhi to tea in Buckingham Palace ?

A) King George V and Queen Mary

B) King George V and Queen Elizabeth

C) King Washington and Queen Victoria

D) None of the above

19. What were Gandhi wore and dressed when he went to see King George V ?

A) Loincloth, sandals

B) A shawl

C) Dangling dollar watch

D) All of the above

20. Where did Gandhi go to pay his respects to Colonel Maddock ?

A) to the country

B) to Scotland

C) to Buckingham Palace

D) to Ireland

21. Who among the following refused to meet Gandhi ?

A) David Lloyd

B) Winston Churchill

C) Bernard Shaw

D) Clement Atlee

22. Where did Gandhi address innumerable public meetings and spent two memorable weekends ?

A) at Delhi

B) at Oxford

C) at Howard

D) at Harrow

23. How Gandhi made friends everywhere ?

A) By his kind. Honest, violent, rude behaviour

B) By his charm, frankness, humanity and accessibility

C) By his simplexes

D) None of the above

24. Where was a delightful photograph taken ?

A) outside the Red Fort at Delhi

B) outside the Greenfields Mill at Darwen

C) outside the Eden Garden Stadium at Kolkata

D) None of the above

25. What is the meaning of the word homespun ?

A) cloth for spinning is done at mills

B) cloth for which the spinning is done at home

C) cloth for which is readymade in mills

D) None of the above

26. What is an important landmark in the history of Indian freedom movement ?

A) The First Round Table Conference

B) The Second Round Table Conference

C) The Freedom Movement

D) None of the above

27. What was the result of the Second Round Table Conference ?

A) Bound to fail

B) Jump to fail

C) Bounce to fail

D) All of the above

28. Why had the British government assigned two Scotland Yard detectives ?

A) to watch the conference

B) to guard Gandhi in England

C) to serve Gandhi better

D) None of the above

29. What was engraved in the gift watch that Gandhi sent to the two special policemen ?

A) With love from MR. Gandhi

B) With love from India

C) With affection of India

D) None of the above

Short Question Answer of In London In Minus Fours

1. Why was Gandhi chosen as the sole delegate of Congress to the Second Round Table Conference ?

Answer: Gandhi chosen as the sole delegate of Congress to the Second Round Table Conference because he was the real spokesman of the organization. He also represented the vast majority of Indians who loudly spoke in India's interest.

2. How did Gandhi befriend the men and women of the slum areas of London ?

Answer: During his stay at Kingsley Hall in London, Gandhi used to go on his morning walks. In the course of his morning walk he was going through the nearby slum areas. On the way he met many men and women who were going to work. They were drawn towards him. They smiled at him. He drew them into conversation. A loving relation developed between them. Gandhi used to go to their homes and ultimately made friendship with them.

3. What was Gandhi's reply to the journalists' about his dress ?

Answer: When the journalists' questioned Gandhi about his dress, he replied that the British people wear plus fours but mine are minus fours. 

4. How Gandhi dressed when he went to see King George V ?

Answer: Gandhi was dressed in his usual loincloth, sandals, a shawl and his dangling dollar watch to went to see King George V.

5. What did Gandhi say in reply to the question whether he had enough on during his meeting with the King ?

Answer: During Gandhi's meeting with King George V some one asked him if he had enough on. Gandhi replied that the king had enough on for both of them.

6. How did Gandhi enjoy himself in London ?

Answer: In London Gandhi enjoyed himself everywhere in the company of the most dignified personalities of England. Among them were Lord Irwin, war time Prime Minister David Lloyd George,  the Archbishop of Canterbury, Field Marshal Smuts, Bernard Shaw, and the like. Winston Churchill refused to meet him. Gandhi addressed many public meetings. 

7. What was Gandhi's idea of free India as a dominion in the Commonwealth ?

Answer: Gandhi's idea of free India as a dominion in the Commonwealth was unique. Gandhi clearly but forcefully stated his stand on free India. The British Emperor must leave India. Both would love to be an equal partner with the Dominions. 

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