Wednesday, December 28, 2022

CBSE Announced Practical Exam 2023 Of 10th and 12th Class

CBSE Announced Practical Exam 2023 Of 10th and 12th Class

The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has announced that practical exams for 10th and 12th class students will take place from January 2nd 2023 to February 14th 2023. The announcement has been met with mixed reactions from students and parents, as some are concerned about the logistics of conducting practical exams during the ongoing pandemic.

The CBSE has put in place several measures to ensure the safety of students during the exams. These include mandatory masks and social distancing in examination centers, frequent sanitization of examination halls and equipment, and the availability of hand sanitizers for students.

Despite these measures, some students and parents are worried about the potential for COVID-19 transmission during the exams. Some have called for the exams to be postponed or conducted online, while others have expressed confidence in the CBSE's ability to conduct the exams safely.

It is important to note that the CBSE's decision to hold practical exams is not taken lightly, and is based on a careful assessment of the risks and benefits. The board has assured students and parents that all necessary precautions will be taken to ensure the safety and well-being of all students during the exams.

Overall, the announcement of practical exams for 10th and 12th class students has sparked a debate about the best way to conduct exams during the pandemic. While some may be anxious about the potential risks, it is important to remember that the CBSE is committed to providing a fair and equal opportunity for all students to demonstrate their skills and knowledge.

There will no external for 10th class practical exam 2023

It is not uncommon for practical exams to be conducted internally, meaning that they are assessed and graded by the school or institution rather than by external examiners. This can be for a variety of reasons, such as the logistical challenges of arranging for external examiners to visit multiple schools or the need to maintain consistency in the assessment of practical skills.

Internal practical exams can be a good opportunity for students to demonstrate their skills and knowledge in a familiar and supportive environment. However, it is important for schools to ensure that the internal assessment process is fair, transparent, and objective, and that it meets the same standards as external assessments.

It is always a good idea for students to prepare thoroughly for practical exams, regardless of whether they are internal or external. This may involve reviewing relevant theory, practicing relevant skills and techniques, and seeking feedback and guidance from teachers and mentors. By putting in the effort to prepare, students can increase their confidence and improve their chances of success on the exam.

There will be external for 12th class practical exam 2023

It is not uncommon for practical exams to be conducted externally, meaning that they are assessed and graded by examiners who are not affiliated with the school or institution where the student is studying. This can be for a variety of reasons, such as the need to ensure the impartiality and objectivity of the assessment process or the need to benchmark students' skills and knowledge against a set of external standards.

External practical exams can be a good opportunity for students to demonstrate their skills and knowledge to a wider audience and to receive independent feedback on their performance. However, they can also be more stressful and challenging for students, as they may be unfamiliar with the examiners, the facilities, or the assessment criteria.

It is always a good idea for students to prepare thoroughly for practical exams, regardless of whether they are internal or external. This may involve reviewing relevant theory, practicing relevant skills and techniques, and seeking feedback and guidance from teachers and mentors. By putting in the effort to prepare, students can increase their confidence and improve their chances of success on the exam.

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