Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Contribution Of Education Gopabandhu Das Plus 2 Education Note

Contribution Of Education Gopabandhu Das Plus 2 Education Note

Gopabandhu Das was a social reformer, journalist, and freedom fighter from Odisha, India. He is known for his contributions to the Odia language and literature, and for his efforts to improve the lives of the poor and marginalized in Odisha. He is considered one of the greatest figures in the history of Odisha and is often referred to as the "saint of the downtrodden."

Answer the following Questions in Two Or Three Sentences 2 Marks

Question. 1. Mention the aims of the Satyabadi system of education ?

Answer. Satyabadi system of education aims at

( i ) To inculcate nationalism and patriotism.

( ii ) To eradicate social evils.

Question. 2. Give two similarities of the philosophy of Education of Satyabadi System and Basic Education.

Answer. The Basic Education and Satyabadi system of education are familiar in respect their objectives and ideals is the sense that both of the systems are experiments with the field of education for renaissance and plain living and high thinking was the ideals of students.

Question. 3. Give three causes of the failure of the Satyabadi system of Education ?

Answer. ( i ) The acute shortage of funds for smooth functioning of the school .

( ii ) The British Govt. did not provide any financial support.

( iii ) Gopabandhu is active in politics.

Question. 4. Explain any three reasons for the functioning of Gopabandhu's scheme of Vana Vidyalaya?

Answer. The main reasons for the functioning of Gopabandhu's scheme of Vana Vidyalaya are :

( i ) Satyabadi Vana Vidyalaya was a classless society Education centre which was strongly opposed by the conservative people.

( ii ) There was a lack of finance & No Govt. Grant was received.

( iii ) After the immature death of Utkalamani the next generation failed to continue the school.

Question. 5. Write any three activities of the curriculum of Satyabadi Vana Vidyalaya.

Answer. The curriculum included the following activities :

( i ) Study of Language

( ii ) Mathematics and Science

( iii ) Moral education .

Answer within Six or Seven sentences (3 marks)

Question. 1. State the Causes of failure of the Satyabadi System of Education .

Answer. The causes of the failure of the Satyabadi system of education are -

( i ) The system was not accepted by the orthodox people of the local area .

( ii ) The system faced acute shortage of funds .

( iii ) The then government did not provide any support .

( iv ) Gopabandhu's participation in politics.

( v ) Gopabandhu's premature death .

Question. 2. Give Gopabandhu's views on Work - Education ?

Answer. Gopabandhu with heart and heart followed Gandhi's practical education. He introduced the activity centered curriculum like Gandhi. Training in crafts, social service programme, discussion art, drawing and other cultural activities were included in the syllabus. It has become a vocational training centre. The pupils work together, publishing magazines, staging dramas etc. students are engaged in social service works under the guidance of teachers. They both, the pupils and teacher worked in flood and famine affected areas.

Question. 3. Explain: Hostel life in Satyabadi school system.

Answer . The life of Satyabadi school hostel begins with a prayer for making the pupils spiritual. In these schools the pupils remain busy from morning till they go to bed. The time table is fixed and continues like the study hour dining time and the school provides the games and sports, discussion hour and other co - curricular activities. During the leisure period a lesson of Brahmacharya was given to them. The boarders in the hostel learn many things, many human qualities through the programmes like debate, music, evening indoor games, paper reading and cultural programmes etc. The hostel life is compared to the ancient Gurukul Ashram life.

Question. 4. Briefly explain the Satyabadi system of education ?

Answer. Gopabandhu developed a new system of education which was so named as Groove school. The school was called Vana Vidyalaya which was located in a dense grove of Chhuriana . Vana Vidyalaya was developed as a residential school in which the students had shared common life. Simple living and high thinking was the ideal which all of them followed. It was a classless society education system. Students of different castes, communities and economics sections were admitted here and all of them lived together in school hostel and took their food in the common menu. As a secondary school, besides classroom teaching students were assigned to moral instructions, practices for good health.

Question. 5. What are the educational philosophy of Gopabandhu ?

Answer. ( i ) Gopabandhu was a great educationist and a prominent nationalist. He was a philosophy poet, social worker, freedom fighter and an education.

( ii ) His eminence is the reflection of his philosophy of life .

( iii ) He was deadly against the then system of education . He was of the view that education should be based on culture and the needs of a society.

( iv ) According to him education should develop or transform a man into human .

( v ) He loves the entire human race and nation and developed a system of education with five eminent educationists as teachers for the education of the masses .

Question. 6. Write the important aims of Vana Vidyalaya .

Answer. The important aims of Satyabadi Vana Vidyalaya were

( i ) Development of sound character .

( ii ) All round development of personality .

( iii ) Active participation of the learner in social service and community living .

( iv ) Universal primary education .

( v ) To develop the potential of the children in the field of art , dance and music etc.

Question.7 . What were the methods of teaching of Satyabadi Vana Vidyalaya?

Answer. ( i ) It was emphasizing the ancient " Gurukul method " .

( ii ) No specific method was followed for teaching. Gopabandhu preferred the question answer method over the lecture method.

( iii ) The medium of instruction was mother tongue .

( iv ) Learning by doing , discussion , self - study methods were used in teaching .

( v ) Learning through direct experience was another important method of the Satyabadi system of education .

( vi ) It emphasized on self discipline of both teacher and students for learning .

Long type Question Answer ( 7 MARKS )

Question. 1. Discuss the Educational philosophy of Gopabandhu ? Or, Explain Gopabandhu's Educational thoughts.

Answer. Gopabandhu believed in Universal Education. The organizers of Universal Education league opined that everyone has equal right of being educated. Just as the rays of the sun and moon are shared equally by the people. The people of Odisha are poor and they can't afford fo the education of their children. So he proposed an education system which should ideal and inexpensive. In 1909 he set up a school at Satyabadi named as Open Air Schooling based on the ideals of Gopabandhu and the teacher were the Panchasakha of Satyabadi Yuga. The main tenants and educational thoughts of Gopabandhu are as follows:

( i ) In - expensive Education : Gopabandhu was fully aware that India being a poor country and Odisha a poor provin it cannot pay forth education of the entire population . So the cost of education is to be reduced. He experimented with the groove school on the lines of the ancient Gurukul system with no school building tuition fee payable by the students. They should lead a simple and austere life in the school hostel.

( ii ) Idealistic Education : Gopabandhu believed that it is not the costly school building but the idealistic and dedicated teachers which can make a good school . He remarks that a school does not consist of only building, chairs and tables there must be well educated, sincere and idealistic teachers. No education worthwhile can be imparted without good and efficient teachers.

( iii ) Practical Education : Gopabandhu was critical about the prevailing system of education which does not equip the individual to meet the requirement of life . He wanted education to be practical which should make the students economically independent. To him the present system of education has failed to prepare our students for the struggle of life. So they should be taught crafts to maintain their livelihood and they should be taught physical exercise, industry and agriculture etc. practical education to become independent.

( iv ) Religious and Moral Education : Gopabandhu believed in the all - round development of the personality of an individual through Education . The students must be taught craft skill in order to enable them to earn their living. There is a need for religious and moral instruction for morality.

( v ) Social service and National integration : He did not stress individuality . To him individuals are a part and parcel of society. So education would enable the individual to perform the social functions as efficiently and successfully as possible. For him education is a preparation for a life of dedicated social service in the society or Nation. Through this education he wanted to bring about emotional and national integration. In the community dinner in his hostel every day, high or low sit together and take meals.

( vi ) Women's Education : Gopabandhu was revolutionary in nature . He knew that in the backward and traditional society of Odisha , a great deal of courage is essential to advocate women education . To him the women are the wealth of the family as well as the wealth of the Nation. They are the goddesses of family life.

( viii ) Mother tongue as the Medium of Instruction : Gopabandhu emphasized on the importance of mother tongue in the education of a child . It is essential to develop his mental powers, originality and creativity. Mother - tongue helps in the development of nationalism and patriotism. It is also essential to realize the intellectual, cultural and spiritual aims of education. So education should be imparted through the mother tongue.

Question. 2. Discuss the Main Features of Groove School ?

Answer. The main basic principles in which the groove school grew up includes:

( i ) Open Air school

( ii ) Free Education

( iii ) Ideal Teachers

( iv ) All rounded development of personality

( v ) Teaching craft skills

( vi ) New method of Teaching

( vii ) Community dinner and cultural programme

( viii ) Emphasis on co - curricular activities

( ix ) Importance on mother -tongue

( i ) Open Air school : Indians cannot afford and spend the amount of money in constructing school buildings and to reduce the expenditure in education without reducing the educational standards the attempts have been made opening a groove school on the lines of the Old Gurukul system . Thus it is an open Air school similar to Shantiniketan.

( ii ) Free Education : Education was free and a minimum fee was charged . The attempts to set up school, an old Gurukul system and the students will lead a simple austere life.

( iii ) Ideal Teachers : Gopabandhu put high premium on the equality of teachers . Gopabandhu aimed at ideal education and teachers should be ideal, sacrificing nature. The teacher of Satyabadi school had voluntarily given up the pleasures of life for the purpose of rendering service to the community.

( iv ) All rounded development of personality : Satyabadi system of education aimed at the development of all the aspects of the personality . He emphasized character building, inculcation of social values, virtues, qualities of good citizenship, patriotism, brotherhood and spirituality. For the development of use qualities various co - curricular activities, debates, excursion, physical exercise, games and prayer assemblies are essential.

( v ) Teaching craft skills : The system of education strongly opposed the system of education and aimed at imparting education of art and craft skills . Then the children will be able to prepare for the future, learn the struggle for life. Craft education may enable them to earn their livelihood.

( vi ) New method of Teaching : Satyabadi Vana Vidyalays was a residential school and the teachers and students stayed together in the hostels . The headmaster asks the teachers to submit their class notes to him for supervision. The teachers and the Headmaster sit together and discuss the courses. The programmes like debate, excursion etc. were also discussed.

( vii ) Community dinner and cultural programme : The elected secretary ( from the boarders ) manages the hostel. The school and hostel for self discipline, democratic management and ideal student life. The students and teachers have dinner together. It teaches them community living.

( viii ) Emphasis on co - curricular activities : To bring an all - round development of personality of the students various types of curricular activities were arrange in the Satyabadi School such as :

( 1 ) Literary Activities ,

( 2 ) Debates and games ,

( 3 ) Prayer Assembly ,

( 4 ) Physical Exercise ,

( 5 ) Literary Magazines & etc. Debates are aimed at the oratorical abilities of the students. Physical exercise brings about the development of character, discipline and virtues, Prayer assembly develops the discipline and moral instruction.

( ix ) Importance of mother -tongue : Mother - tongue emphasized on the medium of instructions. It helps in understanding and developing nationalism , patriotism and the child can express his views clearly and understand others .

Question. 3. Give the causes of the downfall of Open Air Schooling ?

Answer. Like the downfall of Basic Education of Gandhi, for some reason Satyabadi Vana Vidyalaya led its down fall. The chief causes are –

( i ) Lack of local support and unclear concept

( ii ) Economic condition

( iii ) Lack of the help of the Govt .

( iv ) Participation of Gopabandhu is Indian National Movement

( v ) The death of Utkalmani

(i) Lack of local support and unclear concept: Satyabadi Vanvidyalaya was surrounded with the conservative people and Brahmin society. Such conservatives did not appreciate the idealistic education system of Gopabandhu. Pandit Nilakantha Das wanted to build a classless society education which was a stroke to be conservatives. The conservatives opposed this and they don't like to read their children with other backward class children. The common dinner system was also opposed by them. They wanted to continue the superstitions. Lack of local support and the enrollment of children reduced. To oppose Gopabandhu's system of education 1912 on March 22 the conservatives fired on the school and the main property of the school library was destroyed. Such an incident shook the strength of the school.

(ii) Non - cooperation of the Govt .: It was not a traditional education system nor followed the British system of education and opposed the olden beliefs , superstition and conservation . It is filled with idealism, patriotism, nationalism and social service programmes . It aimed at creating leaders for the state. So the British opposed it . No Govt . Grants have come and the application for Govt . Recognition was cancelled. The school was transferred under Calcutta University in 1916 and then to Patna University in 1917, but it could not get the govt . help.

(iii) Economic condition: The third cause of the downfall of Open Air Schooling was the economic condition of the school. In 1921 Vana Vidyalaya was transferred into a National school. But the Govt . grant only two hundred rupees per year that we refused and cut off every relation from Patna University . In 1923, it became a national college and became autonomous. But it did not exist for long. It suffered from the financing causes . But even that step failed to restore the financial stability of the institution. Thus the financial stringency led to the collapse of the system.

( iv ) Participation of Gopabandhu is Indian National Movement : In 1920 , Utkalamani joined the non- cooperative movement . He invested all his time and resources in the freedom struggle. He found no time and resources to invest in groove school. Thus the Open Air Schooling led to its downfall.

( v ) Gopabandhu's premature death : Gopabandhu died prematurely on 17th June 1928 when he was in his early forties . No one was there to step into his soul . No one else was there to continue the education movement in Odisha . With his death ended & glorious chapter in the history of educational reform in Odisha .

contribution of education gopabandhu das gopabandhu das education note gopabandhu das plus two 2nd year education note plus 2 education note plus two

contribution of education gopabandhu das gopabandhu das education note gopabandhu das plus two 2nd year education note

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