Sunday, March 5, 2023

Best 5 Experience How to Earn From YouTube

Best 5 Experience How to Earn From YouTube

How to earn from youtube is the most important topic for earning from youtube. In this post I have answered my experience about how to earn from youtube. So let’s start the topic how to earn from youtube.

how to earn from youtube

Will you want producing video content and spread it all over the world? Will you desire to grow your hobby into an leaded brand? If so youtube is the platform where you can achieve your goal. Nowadays youtube is the best growing creators platform where more than two billion active viewers engaged each month. YouTube has achieved as the preferred communication for creators to create content and build audience, to generate revenue and earn from youtube.

Below in this post I shared the most valuable experience about how to earn from youtube. You may follow these steps to earn from youtube

1. Build Strong Subscribers Community

First of all for earn from youtube you should build strong subscriber community. For building strong subscriber community you should make the best content that receive more view and subscriber. Make sure you content gives value to your subscribers. Ask your subscribers which type of content they want to watch. Reply your suggestion, answer, response in comment section by commenting your subscribers. Always remember make such types of content that valued for your subscribers. Ask your audience subscribe, like, comment and share your content in the first or middle of your content. You should make a poster for subscribe and like line in the video. For getting more subscriber and engaged audience you should follow these steps

Make an eye catching as well as attractive Thumbnail for your video.
Put the best keyword in the description and tag area
Write suitable title of your video
Put hastag for example #hastag in the description of your video       

2. After Build Subscriber And Watch Time Join YouTube PP to Earn From YT

After getting the minimum requirement of (1000) one thousand subscriber and (4000) four thousand hours watch time youtube ask to apply the youtube partner program and take your channel for monetization. After you submit the application to apply your channel monetization, youtube review your content and approved to earn from youtube. Remember your channel should met at least 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 view public watch hours from the previous 12 months for eligible to earn from youtube.

3. Visible Your Video Search friendly 

It is important to visible your video content in search term on youtube.  if you want to visible your video on YouTube make sure the proper keyword and title are placed in the video parts. You can also put some keywords of your other creators video. Use hashtag in the video description as well as video beside of video title. Create as much as the best content for audience. Keep update by publishing video or reply subscribers comment. Write the similar keywords tag in your channel description.    

4. Get Paid Promotion with Brands to earn from youtube

After build a strong subscriber and get monetized your content it the right time to get sponsorship from brands. Many brands visit your channel and can ask to paid promotion their brand in your video. They paid a relevant money for promotion of their product or brand. This is the other fantastic aside for you to earn money by getting sponsorship. Remember your subscriber would not get any harm by your sponsorship video content. 

5. Add Products to earn from youtube

You can add products that you known very well. If your added product may buy your audience you can get the affiliate bonus price from that product. Make sure you should add the relevant products that is suitable for your video content as well as your subscriber. You can add more products as per the criteria.  

My Experience For How to earn from youtube

Finally I have shared my experience about how to earn from youtube as youtuber of EdnTech. As per my experience it takes time, work, and dedication to earn money from youtube. You can make your quality into a successful achiever and leader with planning, hardworking and value of your content. Remember you content should be valued for your subscriber. Keep obedient and faithful to yourself and your subscriber. You would be become a new sensation of next on YouTube.

how to earn from youtube

  • how to earn from youtube 
  • youtube income
  • youtube earnings
  • youtube money
  • how do you make money on youtube
  • how do youtubers make money

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