Sunday, March 19, 2023

Odia Medium SA 2 Exam 2023 Class 1 to 8 Time Table

March 19, 2023 0

Odia Medium SA 2 Exam 2023 Class 1 to 8 Time Table

Odia Medium SA 2 Exam 2023 Class 1 to 8 Time Table is downloading here. Odia medium sa 2 exam 2023 is start on March 21, 2023. OSEPA has prepared a time table for SA2 exam 2023. Summative Assessment Two (SA Two) is called the Annual exam of the current education year. You can download odia medium SA 2 exam 2023 class 1 to 8 time table pdf here.

Odia Medium SA 2 Exam 2023 Class 1 to 8 Time Table

About Odia Medium SA 2 Exam 2023 Time Table

Summative Assessment two is conducted by OSEPA every year on the month of March. Before the SA 2 exam OSEPA prepares a timeline for the assessment. All the subjects of class 1 to 5 will be held in 1 hour and 30 minutes means the first sitting starts at morning 7 A.M and ends 8 A.M. After the first sitting, the second sitting starts 9 A.M and ends 10.30 A.M. All the subjects of class 6 to 8 will be held in two hours means the first sitting starts at 7 A.M and ends at 9 A.M. After the first sitting the second sitting start 9.30 A.M to 11.30 A.M. As per the timeline all the schools of Odiaha conduct the SA2 exam in the same time. The marks that obtained by students in SA2 exam will be share with the parents and declare the result after evaluations of the answer sheets.

Odia Medium SA 2 Exam 2023 Activity

SA 2 Exam Start Date 21/ 03/ 2023 in two sittings

First Sitting time for Class 1 to 5 Morning at 7:00 A.M to 8:30 A.M

First Sitting time for Class 6 to 8 Morning at 7:00 A.M to 9:00 A.M

Second Sitting time for Class 1 to 5 at 9:30 A.M to 10:30 A.M

Second Sitting time for Class 6 to 8 at 9:30 A.M to 11:30 A. M

From Class 1 to 8 the Subject Drawing will be held in two hours

Class 1 to 5 SA 2 Exam 2023 Time Table

Class 1 to 5 SA 2 Exam 2023 Time Table




Odia (Written) and Oral


Math (Written) and Oral


EVS (Written) and Oral




English (Written) and Oral For Class 3 to 8

Class 6 to 8 SA 2 exam 2023 Time Table

Class 6 to 8 SA 2 Exam 2023 Time Table




Odia and

History and Political Science


Math and Drawing


Science and Sanskrit (only Class 6 and 7)




English and Hindi (For Class 6 to 7) and Hindi or Sanskrit for Class 8

odia medium sa 2 exam 2023 time table odia medium summative assessment 2 exam 2023 time table class 1 to 8 

Monday, March 13, 2023

Odia FLN Training Module Prarambha pdf

March 13, 2023 2

Odia FLN Training Module Prarambha pdf 

Odia FLN Training Module Prarambha pdf is download here. This is a training module of FLN (Foundational Literacy and Numeracy) named Prarambha. This odia FLN training module prarambha is developed by T.E and SCERT Odisha. This fln training module prarambha is a training book for teachers’ educator, teachers, CRCCs’, BRCCs’, BEOs’.

About FLN Trainig Module Prarambha

This training module prarambha is developed by state T.E and SCERT odisha. The full form of FLN is Foundational Literacy and Numeracy. FLN is a foundation skill based learning programme. FLN is only meant for class 1 to class 3. Beside class 1 to 3, it is also useful for class 4 and class 5. Teachers should follow this odia FLN training module prarambha for getting successful to a dedicated teacher. FLN is the part of NEP 2020. It works out through NIPUN BHARAT Mission to states. As per NEP 2020 the admission method should follow by 5+3+3+4 term.

prarambha module fln training download pdf

Download Odia FLN Training Module Prarambha

You can download this odia fln training module prarambha here. This module is the part of DIKHYA training. As per the guidance of NCERT New Delhi the state TE and SCERT odisha has developed this training module prarambha. If you have need this module for prepare yourself you download this fln training module prarambha pdf here. Don’t misuse of this module. Use this module for reaching at your students as well as getting success to be a dedicated teacher. 

To Download Click the below link

Download Odia FLN Traning Module Prarambha pdf

Sunday, March 12, 2023

What Is A Computer in Hindi ? कम्प्यूटर क्या है ?

March 12, 2023 0

What Is A Computer in Hindi ? कम्प्यूटर क्या है ?

a computer एक कंप्यूटर इस पोस्ट का विषय है। इस पोस्ट में मैंने कंप्यूटर क्या है के बारे में चर्चा की है। कंप्यूटर आज की दुनिया का डिजिटल आईना है। कम्प्यूटर आज की मूलभूत आवश्यकता बन गया है।

What Is A Computer in Hindi ? कम्प्यूटर क्या है ? a computer kya he a computer

आज के डिजिटल युग में a computer कंप्यूटर हमारे जीवन का एक अनिवार्य हिस्सा बन गया है। उन्होंने हमारे काम करने, संवाद करने और यहां तक ​​कि सोचने के तरीके में क्रांति ला दी है। लेकिन वास्तव में कंप्यूटर क्या है और यह कैसे काम करता है? आओ हम इसे नज़दीक से देखें।

अपने सबसे बुनियादी स्तर पर, a computer कंप्यूटर एक मशीन है जो सूचना को संसाधित कर सकता है। यह एक जादुई बॉक्स की तरह है जो डेटा ले सकता है, गणना कर सकता है और परिणाम निकाल सकता है। एक कंप्यूटर का दिल इसकी केंद्रीय प्रसंस्करण इकाई (सीपीयू) है, जो निर्देशों को क्रियान्वित करने और गणना करने के लिए जिम्मेदार है।

लेकिन a computer एक कंप्यूटर सिर्फ एक साधारण कैलकुलेटर से कहीं ज्यादा है। यह इंटरनेट ब्राउज़ करने और गेम खेलने से लेकर जटिल सिमुलेशन चलाने और वैज्ञानिक अनुसंधान करने तक कई प्रकार के कार्य करने में सक्षम है। यह कंप्यूटर पर चलने वाले सॉफ्टवेयर की वजह से संभव है। सॉफ्टवेयर निर्देशों का समूह है जो कंप्यूटर को बताता है कि क्या करना है। इसमें विंडोज और मैकओएस जैसे ऑपरेटिंग सिस्टम से लेकर माइक्रोसॉफ्ट ऑफिस और एडोब फोटोशॉप जैसे एप्लिकेशन तक सब कुछ शामिल है। सॉफ्टवेयर के बिना, एक कंप्यूटर पेपरवेट से थोड़ा अधिक होगा।

तो a computer यह सब वास्तव में कैसे काम करता है? जब आप कंप्यूटर चालू करते हैं, तो यह बूटिंग अप नामक प्रक्रिया से गुजरता है। इसमें ऑपरेटिंग सिस्टम को मेमोरी में लोड करना और सभी हार्डवेयर घटकों को इनिशियलाइज़ करना शामिल है। एक बार जब कंप्यूटर चालू हो जाता है और चल रहा होता है, तो आप कार्यों को करने के लिए इसका उपयोग करना शुरू कर सकते हैं।

जब आप कोई कमांड टाइप करते हैं या किसी आइकन पर क्लिक करते हैं, तो a computer कंप्यूटर उस इनपुट को प्रोसेस करता है और उपयुक्त निर्देशों को निष्पादित करता है। इसमें ब्राउज़र में वेब पेज प्रदर्शित करना, वर्ड प्रोसेसर में दस्तावेज़ खोलना या डेटाबेस में खोज करना शामिल हो सकता है।

परदे के पीछे, कंप्यूटर इन कार्यों को करने के लिए लगातार विभिन्न घटकों के साथ संचार कर रहा है। इसमें हार्ड ड्राइव से डेटा पढ़ना, प्रिंटर को जानकारी भेजना या नेटवर्क कनेक्शन के माध्यम से इंटरनेट एक्सेस करना शामिल हो सकता है।

कंप्यूटर के बारे में सबसे आश्चर्यजनक चीजों में से एक डेटा को स्टोर और हेरफेर करने की उनकी क्षमता है। एक कंप्यूटर हार्ड ड्राइव या सॉलिड-स्टेट ड्राइव पर बड़ी मात्रा में जानकारी संग्रहीत कर सकता है, और इसे कुछ ही सेकंड में पुनः प्राप्त कर सकता है। यह उस डेटा पर जटिल ऑपरेशन भी कर सकता है, जैसे कि छांटना, खोजना और विश्लेषण करना।

a computer कंप्यूटर ने वास्तव में उस दुनिया को बदल दिया है जिसमें हम रहते हैं। उन्होंने हमारे काम करने, सीखने और एक दूसरे के साथ बातचीत करने के तरीके को बदल दिया है। उन्होंने हमें दुनिया भर के लोगों से जुड़ने, ज्ञान और जानकारी के धन तक पहुंचने और कला और साहित्य के अद्भुत कार्यों को बनाने में सक्षम बनाया है।

लेकिन उनकी सभी अद्भुत क्षमताओं के बावजूद, कंप्यूटर अभी भी मशीन हैं। उन्हें वास्तव में अपनी पूरी क्षमता को अनलॉक करने के लिए मानव इनपुट और रचनात्मकता की आवश्यकता होती है। जैसा कि हम अपने आसपास की दुनिया को आकार देने के लिए कंप्यूटर का उपयोग करना जारी रखते हैं, आइए याद रखें कि हम अपने लिए और आने वाली पीढ़ियों के लिए एक बेहतर दुनिया बनाने के लिए उन्हें बुद्धिमानी और सोच-समझकर उपयोग करें।

a computer in hindi What is a computer a computer kya he hindi mein 

Thursday, March 9, 2023

What Is Holi in India Celebrate Greeting

March 09, 2023 0

What Is Holi in India Celebrate Greeting

Holi is a festival that holds a special place in the hearts of many in India. Holi is a celebration of love, joy, and the triumph of good over evil. It is important to remember that Holi is a festival of love and harmony, and we should celebrate it in a peaceful and respectful manner. The festival is traditionally celebrated in the month of March, and it is one of the most widely celebrated festivals in India. The festival is known for its bright colors, dancing, and singing, and it is a time for families and friends to come together and enjoy each other's company.

holi celebrates in india 2023 greeting

Which is correct to spell Holi or Holy

The widely observed celebration in India is named Holi, not Holy. It's important to spell words correctly in order to honour the festival's traditions and culture.

Why is Holi Celebrated

Holi is celebrated for love and harmony. The Holi festival derives from Indian mythology. According to mythology, the occasion honours the victory of good over evil. As per the history it is said that the demon king Hiranyakashipu had received a boon from Lord Brahma that made him virtually indestructible. He believed that he was all-powerful and ordered that no one should worship any other god except for him. However, his son Prahlada refused to obey his orders and continued to worship Lord Vishnu. Hiranyakashipu became furious by this and attempted to murder Prahlada. However, every time he tried to kill him, Prahlada was saved by Lord Vishnu. Finally, Lord Vishnu appeared in the form of Narasimha, a half-man and half-lion, and killed Hiranyakashipu, thus restoring the balance of good over evil.

How Holi Celebrated in the globe

In India, the event is observed with great zeal and passion. Individuals dress up in bright clothing and paint coloured powder and water on one another. People put aside their dispute during this time and get together to celebrate life's joys. The festival is also a time for forgiveness, and people apologize to those they have wronged in the past. It is a time for renewal, for letting go of the old and embracing the new.

What Message Holi Wish to all

Holi is not just a festival of colors, but it is also a time for music, dance, and food. People gather together to sing and dance to the beat of the dholak, a traditional Indian drum. Delicious sweets and savory dishes are prepared, and people share them with their loved ones. The festival is also a time for giving, and people donate food, clothing, and money to those in need.

It is important to remember that Holi is a festival of love and harmony, and we should celebrate it in a peaceful and respectful manner.

Holi Colours and Its Meaning

The colors used during Holi have a significant meaning and importance. Each color symbolizes a different emotion or attribute, and they all come together to create a vibrant and joyful atmosphere during the festival. Let us celebrate Holi with love, joy, and respect for the traditions and culture of this beautiful festival.

1. Red: Red is the colour of passion and love.. It symbolizes the deep affection and bond that people share with each other. Red color is made using red sandalwood powder or kumkum.

2. Yellow : Yellow is the color of friendship and warmth. It signifies the bond of friendship that people share with their loved ones. Yellow color is made using turmeric powder.

3. Green : Green is the color of life and prosperity. It represents the new beginnings and growth. Green color is made using neem leaves or mehndi powder.

4. Blue : Blue is the color of tranquility and peace. It signifies the serenity and calmness that one can achieve in life. Blue color is made using indigo powder.

5. Pink : Pink is the color of happiness and joy. It symbolizes the blissful moments of life that people share with their loved ones. Pink color is made using rose petals or pink sandalwood powder.

6. Purple : Purple is the color of royalty and luxury. It signifies the richness and opulence that one can attain in life. Purple color is made using beetroot juice or grape juice.

7. Orange: Orange represents strength and enthusiasm. It represents the vitality and dynamism that people possess. Orange color is made using saffron or marigold flowers.

Holi Greetings Wishes 2023

Holi greetings that you can send to wish your loved ones a happy and joyous festival.

holi celebrates in india greetings 2023

1. Wishing you and your family a very happy Holi! May this festival bring you all the colors of happiness and joy.

2. Let us come together and celebrate this festival with love and happiness. Wishing you a happy and colorful Holi!

3. May the colors of Holi fill your life with love, happiness, and prosperity. Happy Holi to you and your family!

4. Let us forget our differences and come together to celebrate this festival with love and joy. Wishing you a happy and vibrant Holi!

5. May this festival of colors bring you new beginnings, new aspirations, and new hopes. Happy Holi to you and your loved ones!

6. Let us spread love and cheer this Holi and make it a memorable one. Wishing you and your family a happy and joyous Holi!

7. May the colors of Holi paint your life with happiness and joy. Wishing you a happy and blessed Holi!

In summary, what is the holi festival ? Holi is a festival that brings people together and celebrates the joy of life. It is a time for forgiveness, renewal, and letting go of the old. It is a festival that transcends religion, caste, and creed and unites us in a colorful celebration of life. Let us celebrate this festival with love and respect for each other, and make it a truly joyous occasion.

Holi festival what is the holi festival holi celebration holi games

Sunday, March 5, 2023

Best 5 Experience How to Earn From YouTube

March 05, 2023 0

Best 5 Experience How to Earn From YouTube

How to earn from youtube is the most important topic for earning from youtube. In this post I have answered my experience about how to earn from youtube. So let’s start the topic how to earn from youtube.

how to earn from youtube

Will you want producing video content and spread it all over the world? Will you desire to grow your hobby into an leaded brand? If so youtube is the platform where you can achieve your goal. Nowadays youtube is the best growing creators platform where more than two billion active viewers engaged each month. YouTube has achieved as the preferred communication for creators to create content and build audience, to generate revenue and earn from youtube.

Below in this post I shared the most valuable experience about how to earn from youtube. You may follow these steps to earn from youtube

1. Build Strong Subscribers Community

First of all for earn from youtube you should build strong subscriber community. For building strong subscriber community you should make the best content that receive more view and subscriber. Make sure you content gives value to your subscribers. Ask your subscribers which type of content they want to watch. Reply your suggestion, answer, response in comment section by commenting your subscribers. Always remember make such types of content that valued for your subscribers. Ask your audience subscribe, like, comment and share your content in the first or middle of your content. You should make a poster for subscribe and like line in the video. For getting more subscriber and engaged audience you should follow these steps

Make an eye catching as well as attractive Thumbnail for your video.
Put the best keyword in the description and tag area
Write suitable title of your video
Put hastag for example #hastag in the description of your video       

2. After Build Subscriber And Watch Time Join YouTube PP to Earn From YT

After getting the minimum requirement of (1000) one thousand subscriber and (4000) four thousand hours watch time youtube ask to apply the youtube partner program and take your channel for monetization. After you submit the application to apply your channel monetization, youtube review your content and approved to earn from youtube. Remember your channel should met at least 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 view public watch hours from the previous 12 months for eligible to earn from youtube.

3. Visible Your Video Search friendly 

It is important to visible your video content in search term on youtube.  if you want to visible your video on YouTube make sure the proper keyword and title are placed in the video parts. You can also put some keywords of your other creators video. Use hashtag in the video description as well as video beside of video title. Create as much as the best content for audience. Keep update by publishing video or reply subscribers comment. Write the similar keywords tag in your channel description.    

4. Get Paid Promotion with Brands to earn from youtube

After build a strong subscriber and get monetized your content it the right time to get sponsorship from brands. Many brands visit your channel and can ask to paid promotion their brand in your video. They paid a relevant money for promotion of their product or brand. This is the other fantastic aside for you to earn money by getting sponsorship. Remember your subscriber would not get any harm by your sponsorship video content. 

5. Add Products to earn from youtube

You can add products that you known very well. If your added product may buy your audience you can get the affiliate bonus price from that product. Make sure you should add the relevant products that is suitable for your video content as well as your subscriber. You can add more products as per the criteria.  

My Experience For How to earn from youtube

Finally I have shared my experience about how to earn from youtube as youtuber of EdnTech. As per my experience it takes time, work, and dedication to earn money from youtube. You can make your quality into a successful achiever and leader with planning, hardworking and value of your content. Remember you content should be valued for your subscriber. Keep obedient and faithful to yourself and your subscriber. You would be become a new sensation of next on YouTube.

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Saturday, March 4, 2023

How To Start A YouTube Channel and Make Money Tutorial

March 04, 2023 0

How To Start A YouTube Channel and Make Money Tutorial

how to start a youtube channel and make money is the topic of this post. In this post you can find out the step by step of how to start a youtube channel and make money by tutorial mode. So stay aimed and follows the tutorial of how to start a youtube channel and make money.

How To Start A YouTube Channel and Make Money Tutorial

Step 1. Sign up the Gmail account

You will need a Google account in order to start a YouTube channel. You can access YouTube using your Gmail account if you already have one. If you do not already have a Google account, go to the Google Sign-Up page to create one.

Step 2. Make Your YouTube Channel Name

How to start a youtube channel and make money In Mobile Phone.

After you login your Gmail than open YouTube mobile app. Go to the right top corner and click the profile logo.

After clicking on that create your youtube channel by putting a name.

How To Start A YouTube Channel and Make Money Tutorial

How to start a youtube channel and make money in Computer

It's time to start your YouTube channel now that you have a Google account. Enter your Google account information to sign in at To create a channel, click "Make a channel" after clicking on your profile photo in the top right corner. Choose a memorable channel name that symbolises your specialty and is simple for viewers to recall.

Step 3. Customise Your YouTube Channel

After gave a youtube channel name now it's time to customise your channel after you've created it. Provide cover art and a profile photo that represent your business and niche. Put in writing what viewers can hope to see on your channel. If you have websites or social media profiles, add links to them.

How To Start A YouTube Channel and Make Money Tutorial

Step 4. Record and Upload high-quality content Video

Open your mobile phone or Smart Phone camera and record your content video. Remember the creation of high-quality content is essential for a successful YouTube channel. To ensure that your movies appear and sound professional, make an investment in quality equipment like a camera and microphone. Be consistent with your upload schedule and plan out your content in advance. This will enable you to develop a strong following that eagerly awaits your videos.

Step 5. Increase Your Audience

It takes time and work to grow a YouTube audience. Start by sharing your videos with your friends and family as well as on social media sites. By addressing their interests and worries in your content and by replying to comments, you can interact with your audience. Work together with other YouTubers in your niche to increase your audience and reach.

Step 6. Remain Dedicated

It takes effort and dedication to launch a successful YouTube channel. Expecting to succeed overnight is unrealistic. Continue producing high-quality video, interacting with your audience, and exploring new revenue streams for your channel. You can establish a valuable YouTube channel with endurance and hard effort.

Conclusion in Summary

Finally, in this How To Start A YouTube Channel and Make Money Tutorial creating a YouTube channel can be a fulfilling and enjoyable experience that also gives you the chance to earn money doing what you enjoy. Choose a topic, increase the power video, grow your audience, and make money from your channel. You may make a great career as a YouTuber out of your interest by persevering and working hard. So why are you still waiting? Create your channel right away to let the world hear your wonderful voice!

How To Start A YouTube Channel and Make Money Tutorial 

How To Start a YouTube Channel and Make Money

March 04, 2023 0

How To Start a YouTube Channel and Make Money

how to start a YouTube channel and make money is doing what you love! This guide takes you the steps of setting up your channel, creating engaging content, and monetizing your videos.

how to start a youtube channel and make money

how to start a youtube channel and make money How To Start a YouTube Channel and make money

It can be thrilling and rewarding to start a YouTube channel. It's a fantastic method to spread your knowledge, originality, and creativity. But what are the requirements for starting? The following are the requirements for setting up a YouTube channel. So let’s start the journey of how to start a youtube channel and make money.

1. Need a Google Account (Gmail)

how to start a youtube channel and make money How To Start a YouTube Channel and make money

To start a YouTube channel, you must need a Google account. You can sign in to YouTube using your Gmail or Google Drive account if you already have one of them than begin how to start a youtube channel and make money

2. Name Your YouTube channel

You must select a name for your YouTube channel once you have a Google account. Your channel name should be short, simple to remember, and reflect your brand or content specialisation.

3. How to choose YouTube channel name

Well, picking a name for your YouTube channel can be both exciting and intimidating. After all, it will be your name that the world will use to refer to you and your material, so it should be something you're proud of. Consider the message you want your channel to deliver first. About what is your content? Is it primarily devoted to baking, playing video games, vlogging, or something else entirely? You can begin generating channel names once you've determined the theme of your channel. It's crucial to pick a name that is memorable, simple to spell, and distinctive. Use specific words or phrases that aren't likely to be confused with other channels if you want it to stand out from the throng.

Your target audience is a key consideration as well. For whom are you creating content? Is your content aimed at a general audience or a particular niche, or are you attempting to appeal to both? This should be reflected in your channel name, so choose something that will appeal to your viewers. Last but not least, make sure the name you've selected is available. You shouldn't spend time and effort creating a brand around a name that is already in use. To make sure you can secure your selected name across all platforms, check for availability on YouTube, social networking platforms, and domain names. Take your time and enjoy the process; picking a YouTube channel name can be a creative and enjoyable process. Keep in mind your channel.

4. Create Channel Art

The banner that shows at the top of your YouTube channel page is your channel art. As it's the first thing people will see, make sure it conveys your brand and is visually appealing. You can use programmes like PixelLab, Canva or Adobe Spark to design your channel art.

5. Write about your youtube channel description

Your channel description is where you can introduce yourself and your content to viewers. It should be concise, informative, and engaging. Make sure to include keywords related to your niche to help people find your channel.

6. Basic Video Equipments

For how to start a youtube channel and make money You need some fundamental tools in order to produce high-quality videos. A camera, microphone, and lighting are all part of this. Although you don't have to spend a lot of money, make sure to use equipment that produces high-quality audio and video.

7. Video Editing Software

how to start a youtube channel and make money best video editing app

Your videos must be edited before being uploaded to YouTube after being generated. Both free and commercial solutions for video editing software are available. Select one that is user-friendly and matches your demands.

Some examples of video editing software are KineMaster, Filmora, InShot, Canva, Piscart, Power Director etc.

You can choose as you like and rating feedback of users.

8. Upload Video Content Consistent

Last but not least, you must regularly publish top-notch content if you want to build a successful YouTube channel. Make sure your product is amusing, instructive, or beneficial to your audience by developing it out in advance.

Summary in Conclusion

A Google account, a channel name, a channel image, a channel description, video equipment, video editing software, and regular content are all requirements for starting a YouTube channel. You may start generating and sharing your content with the world after you have these elements in place. The most important thing to keep in mind is to be genuine to yourself, and your audience will follow. Hence you can be a real one on the path of how to start a youtube channel and make money.

how to start a youtube channel and make money How To Start a YouTube Channel and make money

Saturday, February 25, 2023

SSC Question Answer For Practice Test

February 25, 2023 0

SSC Question Answer For Practice Test 

SSC question answer for practice is very important and this test is meant for the candidates who prepared for SSC, Railway, Bank, Teacher, UPSC etc competitive exams. In this post you will find the best ssc question answer practice test where important question answers given to you. Practice this ssc question answer practice test to sharpen your skill and knowledge. The following ssc question answer is in mcq format. Read the instruction carefully than answer the questions.

SSC question answer for practice online learn camp

SSC question answer for practice

In each of the following questions there is a certain relationship between two given words. Choose the correct alternative from the given options

1. Lion : Den : : _____ : Burrow

(A) Horse

(B) Cow

(C) Rabbit

(D) Giraffe

Answer is (C) Rabbit

2. Push : Pull : : Throw : _____

(A) Collect

(B) Game

(C) Jump


Answer is (D)Pick

3. Plant : Orbit : : Projection : ______

(A) Track

(B) Path

(C) Trajectory

(D) Milky way

Answer is (C) Trajectory

4. Horse : Saddle : : Elephant : ______

(A) Howdah

(B) Hoof

(C) Lounge

(D) Hump

Answer is (A) Howdah

5. Plant : _____ : : Flower : Bud

(A) Taste

(B) Seed

(C) Flower

(D) Towing

Answer is (B) Seed

6. Grain : Stock : : Stick : _____

(A) Heap

(B) Collection

(C) String

(D) Bundle

Answer is (D) Bundle

7. Time : Waste : : Money : _______

(A) Earn

(B) Spend

(C) Squander

(D) Lose

Answer is (C) Squander

8. Pork : Pig : : ______ : Cow

(A) Beef

(B) Goat

(C) Lamb

(D) Camel

Answer is (A) Beef

9. Crop : Pesticide : : ______ : Antiseptic

(A) Infection

(B) Wound

(C) Bandage

(D) Bleeding

Answer is (B) Wound

10. Gun : Bullet : : Chimney : _____

(A) House

(B) Smoke

(C) Roof

(D) Ground

Answer is (B) Smoke

11. Meeting : Agenda : : Election : ______

(A) Circular

(B) Preface

(C) Manifesto

(D) Report

Answer is (C) Manifesto

12. Carpenter : ____ : : Tailor : Needle

(A) Saw

(B) Wood

(C) Car

(D) Sewing

Answer is (A) Saw

13. Ink : Pen : : Blood : _____

(A) Doctor

(B) Vein

(C) Accident

(D) Blood bank

Answer is (B) Vein

14. Horse : Neigh : : _____ : Howl

(A) Tiger

(B) Lion

(C) Jackal

(D) Bear

Answer is (C) Jackal

Choose the correct related pair according to the first pair

15. If, Yen : Currency

(A) Flower : Fragrance

(B) Brass : metal

(C) Paper : Book

(D) Odisha : State

Answer is (D) Odisha : State

16. Large : Enormous

(A) Less : Greater

(B) Big : Small

(C) Plump : Fat

(D) Regal : Royal

Answer is (C) Plump : Fat

17. Wind : Gale

(A) Strom : Sea

(B) Love : Passion

(C) Disaster : Calamity

(D) Disgust : Infatuation

Answer is (B) Love : Passion

18. Garbage : Squalor

(A) Diamond : Magnificence

(B) Poor : Hunger

(C) Colour : Brush

(D) Dirtiness : Cleanliness

Answer is (A) Diamond : Magnificence

19. Stapler : Stationary

(A) Pins : Needles

(B) Tape : Paper

(C) Fixer : Gum

(D) Bullets : Armoury

Answer is (D) Bullets : Armoury

20. Vaseline : Petrol

(A) Tea : Leaves

(B) Butter : Ghee

(C) Plant : Tree

(D) Cream : Milk

Answer is (D) Cream : Milk

21. Air : Atmosphere : : Water : _____

(A) Ecosphere

(B) Hydrosphere

(C) Stratosphere

(D) Biosphere

Answer is (B) Hydrosphere

22. Travel : Companion : : Profession : _____

(A) Ally

(B) Accomplice

(C) Colleague

(D) Partner

Answer (C) Colleague

23. Wine : Cellar : : Weapons : _______

(A) Arsenal

(B) Godown

(C) Armoury

(D) Dungeon

Answer is (A) Arsenal

24. Scout : ____ : : Clerk : Office

(A) Army

(B) Officer

(C) Files

(D) Administration

Answer is (A) Army

25. Disease : Medicine : : Famine : _____

(A) River

(B) Clouds

(C) Rainfall

(D) Drought

Answer is (C) Rainfall

26. Wood : Chip : : Bread : _____

(A) Crumb

(B) Bit

(C) Splinter

(D) Scrap

Answer is (A) Crumb

27. Cattle : Fodder : : Fish : _______

(A) Hay

(B) Feed

(C) Plankton

(D) Insects

Answer is (C) Plankton

28. ______ : Secure : : Protect : Guard

(A) Safe

(B) Sure

(C) Lock

(D) Conserve

Answer is (A) Safe

29. Man : Machine : : Master : _______

(A) Manager

(B) House

(C) School

(D) Slave

Answer is (D) Slave

30. If Rehearsal : Performance

(A) Applause : Audience

(B) Entrapment : Game

(C) Engagement : Marriage

(D) Satisfaction : Appetite

Answer is (C) Engagement : Marriage

SSC question answer for practice is very important and this test is meant for the candidates who prepared for SSC, Railway, Bank, Teacher, UPSC etc competitive exams. In this post you will find the best ssc question answer practice test where important question answers given to you. Practice this ssc question answer practice test to sharpen your skill and knowledge. The following ssc question answer is in mcq format. Read the instruction carefully than answer the questions.

Sunday, January 22, 2023

Veer Surendra Sai A Revolutionary Leader

January 22, 2023 0
Veer Surendra Sai A Revolutionary Leader

Bira / Veer Surendra Sai Jayanti January 23

Odias are brave Indians. One of the heroes who laid the foundations of India's freedom struggle is Veer Surendra Sai.

Veer Surendra Sai Family
Who is the father of veer surendra sai ?
Dharma Singh is the father of bira surendra sai.
Who is the mother of veer surendra sai ?
Rebati Devi is the mother of veer surendra sai.
What is the wife of veer surendra sai ?
Subarna Kumari is the wife of veer surendra sai.
Who is the son of veer surendra sai ?
Mitrabhanu Sai is the son of veer surendra sai.

Surendra Sai was born on the 23rd of January 1809 in Khinda village of Sambalpur district, his father Dharma Singh wanted him to get general education in Odia, Sanskrit, Mathematics etc. But Surendra had no interest in general education since his childhood. He wanted physical education. His main goal was to teach martial arts. So Dharma Singh was forced to arrange to teach him physical education.

Surendra Sai was independent minded from childhood. He wanted to be free. For that he was training his brother, son, nephew. Day by day, many young men were assigned to his team.

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At that time, Maharaj Sai was a nominal king in Sambalpur. All rights belonged to the British Government. It was what they wanted. Maharaj Sai died in 1827. He was childless. Therefore, his closest descendants should get his kingdom. Surendra Sai was his closest descendant. But he was independent minded. They did not make him the king of Sambalpur because he was not obedient to the British. Narayan Singh of Bamanda was obedient to the British. So he was made the king of Sambalpur by promising to work. Surendra got angry when he saw that a man from another state came and became the king of Sambalpur. He presented his claim to the Irish government; But the Irish government did not accept Surendra's demand.

The government did not accept Surendra's demand. He counted the terror in his mind. The government was afraid that if Surendra was not arrested in any way, he would revolt against the government. So the government asked Narayan Singh to make friends with Surendra.

Narayan Singh sent messengers to summon Surendra. On hearing the news from the messenger, Surendra got angry and said, "Khosamtia Narayan Singh is saying that Maharaja has come to our kingdom. He has so much courage. You have come again to call Surendra Sai. Go, that Khosamtia of yours will tell Narayan, Surendra is a coward like him, not a man who will run to him as soon as he calls. If it is good for him, then leave Sambalpur throne and go to Bamanda. If he does not, Surendra will not keep him in Sambalpur.

The messenger ran away. Surendra said what he said to Narayan Singh. Narayan introduced himself as brave. But he counted in his mind.

Narayan Singh's messenger left. After this, Surendra called his brother Uddhant Sai, Paternity Balaram Sai, and Bhanu Sai and others to discuss revolution against the government of Sambalpur. Everyone asked for a revolution. Then Surendra Sai took food, weapons and some loyal people who supported the revolution and left for Sambalpur Garh. On the north side of the fort was a mushroom tree. There was a stone door near the mushroom tree. After knocking three times, the gate of the fort opened. The revolutionaries used to come and go through that way into the fort.

The British got the news that Surendra Sai was in the fort at Barahill. No matter how many times he tried to enter the fortress, he could not. How can you? No force is needed to enter the fortress. Need skill. They did not know that trick.

When did Surendra Sai prisoned ?

The British race was no less cunning. They could achieve any job with just skill. After not being able to enter the fort, they learned that there is some trick to enter the fort. So he looked for people who knew this trick and took a bag of money. There are few people who lose their intelligence when they get money. Follower Pahud Gand, a tribal of Surendra, fell into their trap. He forgot his duty when he received the bribe. Told the Irish how to break into the fort. The Irish did not delay any longer. The middle of the night crept into the fort. At that time, Surendra Sai with all was going to sleep. Surendra was surprised to see the Irish army inside the fort. But he did not lose his courage. At once they attacked; But could not. How can you? Was he already prepared? he was defeated but could not be captured. He sneaked out of the castle.

The British were the rulers of the country. He has no shortage of armies. At once came the great Irish Fouz. They surrounded Surendra. Surendra Au could not escape from their clutches. He was arrested and imprisoned by the British in Hazaribagh Jail.

Surendra did not have to stay in that jail for a long time. While he was in jail, the soldiers in India revolted against the British in 1857. Their work was to break the jails of the British, loot the treasury, discredit the Irish government and drive them out of the country. They ran thousands of miles. There they broke the prison and released the prisoners. On this occasion, Surendra Sai escaped from the jail along with other prisoners towards Sambalpur. When people saw him, they greeted him. Again the rebellion continued. Seeing this, the Irish caught Surendra and kept him as a prisoner. But Surendra escaped and led the revolution. He roamed freely, but no one dared to catch him.

After that, the Irish government continued to use tactics. So that Surendra Sai would not get popular support, the Irish government applied liberal policies in the field of governance. This strategy of the Irish was not very effective. So the British Government announced that Surendra Sai and others of his family would be pardoned if they surrendered.

By that time, the military mutiny in India was crushed. All the soldiers in India are brought to Sambalpur to suppress Surendra and to crush the revolution. So Surendra and his family have been wandering in the wild hills for years without eating or drinking and have become weak Surendra saw that it was not possible for him to lead a rebellion in such a situation. So he surrendered the family.

Last Breath Of veer surendra sai

But the treacherous British Government imprisoned Surendra and his family instead of pardoning them. Then the trial of the prisoners took place. The government thought that if Surendra Sai stayed in Sambalpur, the revolution might happen again one day or another. So he was sentenced to life imprisonment. On the 28th of February 1884, he died in captivity in Asuragarh. No one knew when his advice was mixed with soil; But everyone knew that he sacrificed for the freedom of his native land. That sacrifice has immortalized him forever.

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Saturday, January 21, 2023

Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose An Immortal Great Leader

January 21, 2023 0

Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose

Subhash Chandra Bosenetaji jayanti January 23

Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose is one of the great heroes who sacrificed their lives for the country and nation. Like Shivaji and Rana Pratap, he is a heroic child of Mother India. India is blessed to have a worthy son like Subhash.

Birth and family of netaji subhash chandra bose

He was born on 23rd January 1897 in Odia Bazar of Cuttack city. His father Jankinath Bose was a prominent advocate of Cuttack. His mother's name was Prabhabati Devi. Sharat Chandra Bose, one of the heroes of India's freedom struggle, was one of his brothers.

Education of netaji subhash chandra bose

His early childhood education began at an Anglo-Indian school. Later he was admitted to Renaissance Collegiate. In 1913, he passed the matriculation examination with second rank. Later he went to Calcutta and enrolled in Presidency College. From there he successfully passed I. A. Later, he passed B. A, first class with honors in Philosophy from Scottish College. On the instructions of his father, he travelled to London to appear in the Indian Civil Service Examination. After six months of intensive study, he passed the I. C. S examination with a fourth rank

Joining the non-cooperation movement of netaji subhash chandra bose

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After returning from England, he joined the non-cooperation movement led by Gandhiji. The lure of high jobs could not hold him back. With the enthusiasm and inspiration of his compatriot Chittaranjan Das, he took a leap in the movement. Subhash went from village to village calling students, teachers, farmers, lawyers and government officials to join the freedom struggle.

Swarajya and Forward Club of netaji subhash chandra bose

Subhash was the right-hand man of Deshbandhu Chittaranjan Das. When Deshbandhu was the Mayor of the Calcutta Corporation, Subhash was the Chief Executive Officer. Shubh also took on the editorial duties of Forward, a daily of the Bengali Provincial Congress. Swaraj Party was formed in 1923 under the leadership of Deshbandhu. Subhash played a leading role in Swarajya Party.

Career life of netaji subhash chandra bose

Subhash was a nationalist hero. He was imprisoned several times for participating in the non-cooperation movement. He deeply felt that a bloody struggle was necessary to expel the British from this slave. He discussed with Gandhiji and other leaders and formed an army with the youth. He led it. His dedication and performance established him as a hero on the national stage. He held meetings at various places and gave fiery speeches in Ojaswini language against the Irish government. The Irish government arrested him and sent him to Mandalay Jail in Brahmadesh. Due to repeated arrests, his health deteriorated. So he traveled to Switzerland for treatment. During his stay there, he recovered and wrote a book called The Indian Struggle. He returned to India in 1937. By that time he had become a famous leader in India. In 1938, he was elected as the president in the Congress session held at Hakapur. He became the Congress president for the second time in 1939 in the Tripura session. At that time, he had deep differences with Gandhiji and his followers. In the same year, he resigned from the post of Congress president. After that, he formed a party called Forward Bloc.

In 1940, Subhash had to appear in court for an article in the weekly Forward Block newspaper. He was out on bail while the interrogation was going on, and he went into hiding from his Calcutta residence. After a daring march, he reached Kabul. Then he reached Berlin, the capital of Germany through Central Asia and Moscow. There, with the help of the Nazi government, he took Indian soldiers and formed a military group called Azad Hind, against Orange. During the Second World War, the Nazi government was the enemy of the Irish. Therefore, about eighteen thousand Indian soldiers were trained in the use of war techniques and weapons on behalf of Germany. In 1934, Subhash embarked on a perilous sea voyage in a German boat. A Japanese ship was waiting for him in the Indian Ocean. He reached Singapore safely. There he formed a powerful army called Azad Hind with the help of Japan. Later, under the leadership of the said army, conducted a large-scale campaign from the north-eastern part of India. They crossed over to Imphal in Manipur but were defeated by the Japanese in the war with the Turks and they were in peacetime. As a result, Subhash Bose was no longer supported by the Japanese. Later, in 1945, he traveled to Tokyo in an airplane with a close friend, Habi Bur Rahman, but on the way, the airplane met with an accident at Farmay Island. Netaji's final life story is still a mystery to Indians.


Netaji was an extraordinary leader in the history of India. The loss of such a worthy child was an irreparable loss to Mother India. O leader, crores of obeisances to you.

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Netaji subhash Chandra Bose

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Monday, January 9, 2023

SMC Training Module in Odia pdf

January 09, 2023 0

SMC Training Module in Odia pdf

SMC Training Module in Odia pdf download here. As per the guidlines of school and mass education odisha has prescribed this SMC Training Module in Odia pdf.

What is smc training ?

In order to fulfil the requirements of the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) within the framework of the Right to Education (RtE) Act 2009, community involvement is essential. Social, geographical, and gender inequalities can all be closed with community involvement in school administration. People must be allowed the flexibility to create the school as they see fit and must understand their roles and duties as guardians, parents, and local government officials. The state has traditionally supported educators in helping students succeed by emphasising the value of community involvement in school development and quality improvement. Due to this ongoing emphasis on active community involvement through various programmes, importance has been accorded smc training module in odia

Training of Community Members

The current SMC standards have been reviewed in Odisha because practically all of the SMCs have served their three-year terms now and there has been a change in the staffing structure at the block and district levels. The new directive was released by the S & ME Department, Government of Odisha, via Notification No. 16485 dated 30.7.2014. smc training module in odia

Creation of a three-day training programme to increase the capacity of SMC members:

According to the updated instructions on the creation and operation of SMCs, the existing 02-day training module for SMC members' capacity building has been evaluated. The module's most notable characteristics are:

Function of the Standing Committee on Education at the GP/NAC/Municipal Corporation Level.

Convergence with line departments, including the Panchayati Raj Department, the ST & SC Development Department, the Health Department, the W & CD Department, the RD Department, the Labor Department, and the Water & Sanitation Department, among others.

Establishment and operation of PTA

SMC formation and operation

Roles and duties of many stakeholders for effective RTE Act-2009 implementation and child rights

Monitoring and regulating various programmes and plans

Facilities and provisions for the educational growth of children from underprivileged groups

Mechanism for addressing complaints

Community involvement in school development, school development plan creation, etc.

Training for SMC members has taken place at the State, district, block, and cluster levels, respectively, following a review of the SMC training module. These individuals trained six SMC members from each SMC of solely government schools at the cluster level in order to make them aware of their roles, responsibilities, and functions with relation to the following:

Organize an enrollment drive to ensure the enrollment of all unenrolled students and their continued attendance at the school until they have finished their elementary education.

Through persuasion of parents, ensure that children regularly attend school and prevent temporary cessation and dropout of children.

Keep track of teachers' regular attendance.

coverage of academic programmes.

After the test is finished, make sure that students perform exceptionally overall and evaluate the success of the school's work and other extracurricular activities.

Make sure that rewards such midday meals, textbooks and other reading materials, uniforms, etc. are distributed.

enhancement of the school campus's plant life and development of the playground and children's park.

enhancing community involvement in schools and ensuring convergence across several government departments

ensuring the enrollment of out-of-school children and protecting the rights of children to an education under the RTE.

use the OPEPA's Grievance Redressal System and the 18003456722 School Student Helpline.

planning the development of the school (SDP).

managing money and running a bank account.

close the socioeconomic and gender divide.

granting all youngsters access

creating a space for innovation and creative exploration.

Providing educational opportunities for kids from underprivileged communities, such as girls, kids with special needs, kids from ST, SC, and other underprivileged communities, etc.

To prepare Out of School Children (OoSC) admitted to age-appropriate schools, specific training should be organised (both Residential and Non Residential).

Regular meetings of the SMC members are used to monitor the progress of the institution.

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